time to make assumptions and actions due to not knowing what the forgets going on with the tuskan sand fighter war in africa
Cameroon moves to try and force its heavy armor brigades through the defenses and cut through the Libyan district of the NAR before splitting sending half west and with a portion of light infantry to launch an assault on any troops that may be residing in or around Sebha before attempting to occupy the city, while another half of the force moves east to aid the fight in Egypt, cutting through the Libyan Desert to wrap around to hit Siwa from behind the front while the majority of the NARs forces fight to try and take Sudan.
MEANWHILE in Sudan, Cameroonian forces are managed to be pushed and take considerable losses and in turn lose the northern most city of Wadi Halfa, prompting a re-evaluation of their combat strategy as they regroup their forces to hold an intense defense line between the cities of Port Sudan, Atbara, Omdurman, El Obeid and El Fasher, trying to control major roads and highways and re-route the supply train to run along these roads to move back and forth to continuously re-supply troops, while also expecting the Sudan armed forces to help in these efforts.