
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 276817 times)

What kind of Orwellian horror is this thread?

a world where the USA got nuked and communism took over

What kind of Orwellian horror is this thread?
one where every leader is a nutjob

(except me obviously)

a world where the USA got nuked and communism took over
only before a second cold war between south america and half the world
and now everyone is joining together into supernations i guess

it's pretty great considering

nonnels promised me aliens will come to fight us soon

well I mean like at least there is something else to do other than forget around killing each other on the basis of mutual buttforgetery

Gran Venezuela, now under a new government, wishes to massively strengthen relations with the GSTO.

Gran Venezuela, now under a new government, wishes to massively strengthen relations with the GSTO.

it's like we're the only civilized people in the world

it's like we're the only civilized people in the world

the britons. civilized.

The World Today

-Texas, Dakota, and the SSA mention that they are interested in purchasing Colorado and the Dakotas.

-India requests that United Asia cede the remainder of the Kashmir to them.
(The five tiles directly touching India immediately west of Tibet)

-Korea finally finishes the Ryugyong Hotel.

-A capitalist uprising, jump-starting a civil war, begins in Mexico.

-Since ASA has refused United Asia's offer, Panama is captured by UA.

-NAR begins a major offensive on Sudan, as well as Denmark and Hungary into Prussia.

-As a result of Sunni-Shiite populations fighting for majority rule, Turkey is once again broken up into multiple states. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Kuwait band together as one (dubbed the state of Levant) while Turkey, Jordan, and Palestine all become separate states. They all agree to continue fighting CIA together.
Islamic divisions also become a problem in Saudi Arabia, where many in former Yemen consolidate for more power

-Indonesia once again marches into East Timor, looking to expand their power.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 10:27:38 PM by Nonnel »

Yemen is offered independence to ease Sunni-Shiite tensions. Economic ties or otherwise will be maintained if they so desire.

The Eco-Spire is completed ahead of schedule. It is launched into the Persian Gulf with all amenities and crew, with the intent of studying advanced hydroponics as well as differing methods of crop growth.

Saudi Arabia begins an extensive program to modernize Oman and drastically reduce poverty and unemployment. Additionally, New Riyadh is planned to be expanded.

kashmir will be sold for a low low price of one million yuan