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Author Topic: ▃ ▇ ▅ ▃ Ravencroft and Whirlwind's Falling Tiles ▇ ▅ ▇ ▅  (Read 21273 times)

the ddr master

Lol you know I cleared my high scores cuz they were too high XP

lettuce join plz cmon  :panda:

I think the server is looking pretty damn awesome; I'm looking forward to playing it after my Blockland hiatus!

Buuuut... One thing I noticed in the screenshots which I'm a bit uhming and ahing about:

Not to be THAT guy but it would be nice if you get credited for work you do. I made that for Spades Arcade a few years back; it's called JDR. And I guess what I'm saying is it would be lovely if I could get a mention rather than just:


Not to steal his thunder though, I still think your badass at what you do Whirl <3

There's still a button on the machine that gives you credit.

You actually loaded it on our server a while back haha.

Sorry I haven't been able to find the time to host this. I haven't been on Blockland in 3 weeks. I'll try and open this weekend.

Sorry I haven't been able to find the time to host this. I haven't been on Blockland in 3 weeks. I'll try and open this weekend.

Can't wait!

context pls cant find it

autist is Ravencroft.  I'm just going to ban him on both accounts because he's stuff posting and I've already had to ban 10+ times just on accounts that contain the word "ravencroft".

Ok the server is finally back!

it would be nice if you get credited for work you do

We gotcha man

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 12:50:09 PM by Whirlwind~ »

Mr. Andrews seems like a real tough guy.

hey it's me!

From the entrance gateway -> Center of the playing field, what teleport event do you use? It feels a little rough, and I recommend using doplayerteleport to make it smooth.

hey it's me!

From the entrance gateway -> Center of the playing field, what teleport event do you use? It feels a little rough, and I recommend using doplayerteleport to make it smooth.