Author Topic: Hearthstone Megathread | Officially P2W  (Read 9609 times)

I'm keep getting a bunch of quests for classes I suck at. (Warrior, Paladin, Warlock)

Just opened my first pack that I got for free, and I happen to find this rare gold card thing. The card is Wild Pyromancer, I guess I'm lucky

Opened my second pack, got a gold Mana Totem

When i got my little brother an account and everything and he got his first card pack, he got a golden legendary for the shaman (Neptulon).
I am still 100% made of Jelly.

oh man i got into this game recently and it's p fun
i run a deck with only unlocks from leveling up and i do really well
it's p fun

oh man i got into this game recently and it's p fun
i run a deck with only unlocks from leveling up and i do really well
it's p fun
Basic Decks can work until a certain level.
If you reach above rank 20 or so, you start to get into the meta.
Where everyone plays decks that are pulled straight from the internet.
But you will also see quite some other decks still on rank 20.

I personally never look up a guide or video to specifically recreate certain decks.
I might get ideas from them for a fun deck, but i don't even have the legendaries to pull of most of them.
And i like to run decks that are maybe a bit too much into one specific thing.
Like a certain theme or something.

I never have the most efficient decks or stuff like that.
What is the fun in recreating decks that others made?
No thought process going into that.
You really get to know your cards by making your own decks.
Seeing strengths, weaknesses and combinations of cards in your deck.

I pretty much always make my own unique decks. I've never looked up any decklists. My current ladder deck didn't have too much trouble getting to rank 15 this month, but I don't play a lot of ranked so I can't say I know how far it can get.

i like the idea of gimmick decks but i don't have the cards for them

in fact i've been struggling to get a good deck together recently or find a class i like better cus i've not been doing too well

i like the idea of gimmick decks but i don't have the cards for them

in fact i've been struggling to get a good deck together recently or find a class i like better cus i've not been doing too well
Save up for the wings of the adventures.
You can do some interesting gimmicks with those and some basic cards.
And some of the challenges you get after you finish a wing can be quite entertaining.

after levelling my shaman to level 10, i decided to try out rogue. i like the rogue, he has a few good (default) class-specific cards that i like.
i still like my shaman though.

anyone else agree BRM was total stuff?  all the bosses were easy as hell  still use a really stuff AI.  I mean nax at least had some cool mechanics.  I don't use any of the cards either.  anyways I finally finished my full golden control warrior deck.  crafting gold legendaries sucks ass

I never have the most efficient decks or stuff like that.
What is the fun in recreating decks that others made?
No thought process going into that.
You really get to know your cards by making your own decks.
Seeing strengths, weaknesses and combinations of cards in your deck.

eh i actually ripped most of my decks off of the internet
i just don't really like making decks, just figuring out how to play properly using the cards i get

anyone else agree BRM was total stuff?  all the bosses were easy as hell  still use a really stuff AI.  I mean nax at least had some cool mechanics.  I don't use any of the cards either.  anyways I finally finished my full golden control warrior deck.  crafting gold legendaries sucks ass
i prefer the expansions that just give you a stuff ton of cards instead of an adventure tbh

i prefer the expansions that just give you a stuff ton of cards instead of an adventure tbh
i don't because i'm poor