
print((CFrame.Angles(math.pi, 0, 0) * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)).Y)


Author Topic: [THREAD MOVED]  (Read 465164 times)

i still play ro-port tycoon
I do remember that game as my second roblox I've ever played back in 2010, I don't remember the first game on Roblox I ever played, I do remember when I first played I was falling down with a parachute and gun, but that's all I remember and that was almost 7 years ago.

anyoner emember wingz world v (or something similar)? i used to dive bomb everything lol
Nope. I remember some other flying game though.

lol nix the glaceons getting salty because 3 of us in his group chat (including me) play roblox and he thinks we're degenerates for it

the game is nice but it makes you feel exactly what an otaku feels, sadness in its purest form.

does anyone play reason 2 die awakening on roblox
if so whats your rank so we can do some r2da
also im rank 16

i practically never play this game anymore, since i hate dying because of the zombies not letting me survive the entire round.

in other words, BECAUSE ZOMBIES KEEP AMBUSHING ME because im too weak. stupid pistol and limited ammo

i practically never play this game anymore, since i hate dying because of the zombies not letting me survive the entire round.

in other words, BECAUSE ZOMBIES KEEP AMBUSHING ME because im too weak. stupid pistol and limited ammo
what rank are you, because he added a melee and the ability to equip 2 secondaries without a primary
the melee is $500, so you can use the starter pistol and the melee to grind money
essentially the whole game is a giant grindfest

how am i supposed to do that?
the pistol is weak with low ammo and the other ones are too freaking expensive..

and i have to level up to unlock the wingmaster...
i really want some good gun

how am i supposed to do that?
the pistol is weak with low ammo and the other ones are too freaking expensive..

and i have to level up to unlock the wingmaster...
i really want some good gun
H a u l  A s s

whack the zombies down and then headshot them
to kick press q
to punch press e
both of these have to be with you not having a gun equipped