
Poll is finished. Quest to Save Kompressor will be a "test game" before I do QFTA.

High Rollers Its like "Pass or Fail" or "Blockade Blasters'. Multiple players allowed.
Quest For The ACNRHKLAHBSLFGSG(L) One Blockhead's adventure to find a weapon that can surpass the Ion Cannon
Post Apocalyptic Alcoholism Find a source of alcohol in a nuclear wasteland.
The Eve Of Version 21 As Version 21 looms over the horizion, one thought crosses your mind: How will you spend your last few days in Version 20?
Liberal Crime Squad:BLF Edition Liberal Crime Squad adapted into a forum adventure. Defeat the Conservative Crime Squad, kidnap and brainwash people, and drop terrible pickup lines.

Author Topic: BLOODLUST [Quest to Save Kompressor: Soon.]  (Read 125031 times)

change reality so that they listen to reason

there go

Also:  For the angry mob to work for EA.
change reality so that they listen to reason

You rewrite reality so that the mob listens to reason before forcing them to work at EA, and then rap extremely sick beats and cook ramen.

7 turns of free roam left. See how redundant Free Roam mode is? I'm just parroting now since the protagonist already has the ultimate superpower.

Already did that, damn it


You call Satan over and move in to kick his ass, but then he takes out several billion $100 bills and tries to bribe you!

6 turns of Free Roam left and then this thread can finally die.

become the stronkest man in the world and proceed to beat stalin to a pulp again


Sven Svenson resurrects Stalin and beats him up before tearing off his mustache!

Satan applauds your heinous act. You then punt him to the moon.

5 turns of free roam left before this thread can finally end

now it's time to fufill your destiny
to nuke the sun

Revive Gunslinger if he's still dead

Revive Gunslinger if he's still dead

You revive Gunslinger right as you remember that he's still alive. Now the Gunslinger has a clone.

now it's time to fufill your destiny
to nuke the sun

You rewrite reality so that you have a nuclear missile and launch it at the sun with your bare hands. The nuke hits the sun and... Barely does a thing.

Complete huge quest


You whip out your smartphone and browse 4chan before stumbling upon the "Huge Quest" thread and reading it. Holy stuff, that was brilliant.

4 turns of free roam left before this thread can finally end

Turn Kiss-Kiss into an anthropomorphic cat and marry her. Have kitty children and fun-fun.

Turn Kiss-Kiss into an anthropomorphic cat and marry her. Have kitty children and fun-fun.

What the forget

You forcibly genderbend Kiss-Kiss and turn her into an anthropomorphic cat before holding a wedding and having some "Hot Coffee." Only Sane Man and the Gunslinger are disgusted at you.

3 turns of free roam left before this thread can finally end