
After you've tried the new reference frame import feature, do you think it should be enabled by default?


Author Topic: [Blender] New DTS plugin  (Read 136062 times)

then prove it to us by finishing this one
That's harsh.

To be fair, this time around he has an excuse since I've been at his house for the past two months. That and he just recently started school again and on top of that is preping to chat with my boss about a job.

Give him a break.

That being said; I'll do my best with getting him motivated to continue on this. It's a project that's a bit too important to the community (which needs more content creators) to let him leave it unfinished.

Make it so we can import DSQs or we'll feed the both of you to the sharks! >:((((

Make it so we can import DSQs or we'll feed the both of you to the sharks! >:((((


Make it so we can import DSQs or we'll feed the both of you to the sharks! >:((((
What the forget is a DSQ anyway

What the forget is a DSQ anyway

The animation format used by Blockland
Usually they're embedded inside of DTS files but for things like player models they're separate files
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 05:25:01 AM by portify »

Will you be making tutorials when this is finished?

Looking forward to this, keep up the good work

Will you be making tutorials when this is finished?
...tutorials on what, exactly?

You model and blender and click export.

...tutorials on what, exactly?

You model and blender and click export.
Maybe how to ensure that your textures will work, how to make animations for DTS models, how big your model has to be to be a properly sized item or vehicle, or how to make a player model

Maybe how to ensure that your textures will work, how to make animations for DTS models, how big your model has to be to be a properly sized item or vehicle, or how to make a player model

I could probably throw something together in the future, yeah.


I could probably throw something together in the future, yeah.
Also isn't there some deal with empties?

Will you be making tutorials when this is finished?
I pretty much want to know what bones have to be named for weapons, vehicles, bricks and player objects.

There are tutorials in the tutorial megathread, but from the top of my head. mountPoint for hand, muzzlePoint for bullets. They are all there though.

I pretty much want to know what bones have to be named for weapons, vehicles, bricks and player objects.
Any point not made will default to 0,0,0.
Mounted Images (weapons, tools, etc):
mountPoint   - The point on the image that will mount to a player or vehicle.
muzzlePoint   - The point on the image that .getMuzzlePoint(%slot) will grab.
ejectPoint   - The point that Debris is ejected from, using stateEjectShell[num] = true; and
Code: [Select]
casing = gunShellDebris;
shellExitDir        = "1.0 -1.3 1.0";
shellExitOffset     = "0 0 0";
shellExitVariance   = 15.0;
shellVelocity       = 7.0;
retractionPoint   - gun.dts has this, not sure what it's for. Or if it's just a node on the model.

hub0-3 (or more?)   - The points which wheels get mounted to.
Mount0-7   - The points which players and images get mounted to.
collision-1, col-1, col   - I'm far from a vehicle expert, but jeep.dts has these. Possibly collision boxes.
Eye?   - I'm not sure if vehicles would have an eye node like a player would. As far as I remember, they're exclusively played in third person. Could be wrong on this.

None. Bricks are .blbs. Not .dts. The collision for a brick is either a cuboid in the .blb, or a model in .dts.

Mount0-7   - The points which players and images get mounted to.
Eye   - The first person viewpoint.