Undertale - The RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone

Author Topic: Undertale - The RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone  (Read 276617 times)

Whether the pacifist run can be called "saving" Asriel kinda depends on whether or not you care if he turns back into a flower. Apparently some people find it unsatisfying that you have to leave him.

the game has a motif in that you cant play backsies on consequences

sucks, but the kid nearly followed through with his friend's plan
for that he suffered

you end up playing straight into this after the genocide ending
its magnificent

So Mettaton, despite being a robot, [is like those people who are born male, but deep down, they feel like a female, so they get a love change, hence Mettaton's male sounding "OH YES", but then their very feminine design after they transform?]

So Mettaton, despite being a robot, [is like those people who are born male, but deep down, they feel like a female, so they get a love change, hence Mettaton's male sounding "OH YES", but then their very feminine design after they transform?]

I think that's accurate, yeah

alright just because metaton's room is pink does not mean he is female-to-male

if anything he was totally agender as a ghost, like napstablook, until he became corporeal

mettatons just flamboyant, you guys are overthinking this

there is no way men in my video game would like Pinky Girly. Heck no , on my watch no.

there is no way men in my video game would like Pinky Girly. Heck no , on my watch no.

I call king of page 69.

ship already sailed, full of determination

next ship

alphys and undyne are actually canon though
a ship would be torielxsans or papyrusxmetta