Blockland Usernames

Author Topic: Blockland Usernames  (Read 9299 times)

Hehe. One of my pet hates also. When I sign up for anything popular and you get the usual "This name is currently unavailable." or whatnot, I will NOT rest until I pick an original name with only meaningful letters. I can't stand the thought of stooping to adding numbers to a name. It's just robotizing yourself, and people judge you for it, so why subject yourself to ridicule.

Some people need to seak the path of imagination. It's a PURE imaginative game after all!

Lol, I named myself Skele after I learned how to use SkeleMe in RTB. :cookieMonster:

I got my name from a "what pirate are you?" quiz

lol  :cookieMonster:

I saw one guy named: (-:- [  ] + ) It's A PSP

I have seen about 70 different people overall with halo related stuff in their name and about 10 people with game systems or games as names.

GHIIIROCKS!!! is a name I've seen, also he is a huge spammer.

Factors that make uncool names:

- If it contains numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 0, and possibly the word Numbers if it's overused), anywhere in the name automatically deducts that name x points, where x is replaced by the summation of numbers.
- If it contains the name of anything else video-game / anime / crap related.
- If it contains Shadow, or anything else overused.
- If it contains numbers (seriously, stop doing that)
- Having unnecessary punctuation marks
- misplaced capital letters
- all capital letters

Factors that make cool names:

- The name is pure, simple, and fun to use in sentences.
- The name is catchy.
- The name is original (people may copy it though, but you still thought of it first or something I guess)

Edit: I went forward in time to read a suggestion post.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 01:57:32 PM by Muffinmix »

Also Blockheads are gay
I'll say.
Anyway even though people do have every right to have some name involving random numbers, unless they have a good reason I want them to change it.  What is the point of doing that?  Unless you are one of those Halo cigarettes (nothing against people who play it, just against people who use it and/or related things as usernames.), You probably won't run into problems with your name for a long time.  BTW what are id's at now?
Factors that make uncool names:

- If it contains numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 0, and possibly the word Numbers if it's overused), anywhere in the name automatically deducts that name x points, where x is replaced by the summation of numbers.
- If it contains the name of anything else video-game / anime / crap related.
- If it contains Shadow, or anything else overused.
- If it contains numbers (seriously, stop doing that)

Factors that make cool names:

- The name is pure, simple, and fun to use in sentences.
- The name is catchy.
- The name is original.
My name was origional until people started to use it to.

It's hardly original. Pie is a common name.

Also Muffin, you missed out "Having an obsessive chunk of punctuation in your name" and "Having an X in your name because it's kwl"