Author Topic: oRBs Official Release With Mod Manager  (Read 24172 times)

ive made a super simple super stripped down version of RTB because i found it jarring that this does not support RTB prefs. this bothered me so much that i actually had to post to these forums about it because i didnt see anyone else do this

what this does:

mods that still use RTBR_ServerControl_Hook.cs and RTBR_InfoTips_Hook.cs will still go to rtb/hooks/serverControl.cs and rtb/hooks/infoTips.cs however these files have been changed to do orbs things:

rtb/hooks/serverControl.cs will execute orbs/hooks/serverControl.cs and will add the function RTB_registerPref
 - all RTB_registerPref does now is call ORBS_registerPref with the same values

rtb/hooks/infoTips.cs will execute orbs/hooks/infoTips.cs and will add the function RTB_addInfoTip
 - all RTB_addInfoTip does now is call ORBS_addInfoTip with the same values

(also why does orbs have the "old" hook files?)
This supports old hook files so the RTB to oRBs converter could make RTB add-ons compatible without re-coding scripts.
As stated earlier, after Rotondo's request, I decided to move away from RTB and the RTB name, so it was chosen to remove every reference to it's name in functions and not make a support function for RTB.
This is a conscious decision and is why the RTB to oRBs converter was provided.

it even loads the prefs you had on RTB for these mods if config/server/rtb/modPrefs.cs exists. (it is loaded before orb's version of the file just incase you already have the same prefs in orbs)
so theoretically this should allow legacy RTB prefs and tips to show up in oRBs, and save along with it as well if i understood modPrefs.cs correctly.
please tell me if i screwed up or you find some weird bug. i only tested the prefs and that was with an unedited duplorcator that used RTB prefs.

This is a nice add-on for users not wishing to run the converter and you should probably start it's own thread so it doesn't get lost through posts.
Unfortunately as I move away from RTB structure oRBs may not be supporting RTB stuff as is and as it evolves, people using add-ons with RTB prefs might run into issues.

Unfortunately as I move away from RTB structure oRBs may not be supporting RTB stuff as is and as it evolves, people using add-ons with RTB prefs might run into issues.
Why would you change the structure? All you've done so far is change "RTB" to "oRBs" if that addon's correct, just maintain compatibility throughout the life of the project so it doesn't aggravate any future users.

If any add-on devs use RTB prefs in their current, still maintained addons, all the converter will do is put hassles on the end-user.
What if there's an update? They'd have to run it through a converter/function renamer (at this point?) every time. I would just head back to RTB in that case just so prefs work.

Maintain backwards compatibility, it's not hard.

Any existing add-ons using the rtb prefs API should continue working without the end user doing anything. Why would you make it more complicated?

Why would you change the structure? All you've done so far is change "RTB" to "oRBs" if that addon's correct, just maintain compatibility throughout the life of the project so it doesn't aggravate any future users.
The simple fact that my server infrastructure is different than RTB has made the mod manager not functional with the original RTB.
My hopes are to evolve on this project, and by choice I do not wish to support RTB prefs it might not change as it might.
You may use the great add-on that _Crispy made, run the converter or not use oRBs at all.
The choice is yours :) this is a free world. You are looking for problems where there are none.

If any add-on devs use RTB prefs in their current, still maintained addons, all the converter will do is put hassles on the end-user.
Devs have the ability to post their add-ons to oRBs and will soon have the ability to maintain their downloads, so no hassle for users.
Also add-ons can, if they are maintained, easily support both oRBs or RTB as shown in this example from Kyuande's Server AFK Emote:
Code: [Select]
ORBS_registerPref("Check (seconds)", "AFK Mode", "$Server::AFK::Check", "int 1 1800", "Server_EmoteAFK", 60, 0, 0);
else if(isFunction(RTB_registerPref))
RTB_registerPref("Check (seconds)", "AFK Mode", "$Server::AFK::Check", "int 1 1800", "Server_EmoteAFK", 60, 0, 0);
$Server::AFK::Check = 10;
$Server::AFK::CheckVals = 1;

What if there's an update? They'd have to run it through a converter/function renamer (at this point?) every time. I would just head back to RTB in that case just so prefs work.
Updates are managed automatically through the mod manager. I guess that escaped you in the last post for you.
If ever things were to change, add-ons in the oRBs database would be updated accordingly eliminating the "hassle" to users.

This has been made for users, and hopefully will give all of you something like the great add-on we used to love.

Any existing add-ons using the rtb prefs API should continue working without the end user doing anything. Why would you make it more complicated?
And they can, I am simply not keeping any function in reference to RTB. Things will work as it was for users. if anything once the add-on database is loaded it will remain as easy as it was. The RTB to oRBs converter allows to prep add-ons so that the ID's will match on the oRBs database and if an update is posted it will be able to auto-update for users.
If you are not willing to use oRBs because you find it too complex to replace an add-on then you can stick with the old RTB.

Thank you for your comments.

well you completely missed the point of my post but oh well

i wasn't bashing the mod manager

As stated earlier, after Rotondo's request, I decided to move away from RTB and the RTB name, so it was chosen to remove every reference to it's name in functions and not make a support function for RTB.
This is a conscious decision and is why the RTB to oRBs converter was provided.
old Return to Blockland support.
this is still rtb. you're not making something new, it's even expressed in the name. i don't mean to insult you, infact i am happy this exists. however you should have supported old return to blockland like it was expected from the mod's name.

if i recall correctly, rotondo was referring to rtb replacements, such as goth(?)'s weird thing and more recently blockland glass. what you are doing is simply bringing RTB back to a living state.

people should not have to download a file to change every addon that used rtb prefs, and even have to register to a website to do so. i like my mod method better than the converter because you do not have to change any of the old rtb addons. (unless one did a super weird way of adding rtb prefs) maybe you could just throw some rtb functions in your mod that simply runs the orbs functions.

sorry for my dumb rant but you should seriously make it more easy on the player.

some ideas:
add RTB_registerPref and etc and make it call orb's functions. you could have a message show up in console for mod makers to say that it should be changed to orbs functions. otherwise, attempt to make it as compatible as possible, even if you change oRBs_registerPref in the future

im sorry if my post comes out as stupid nagging
« Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 12:42:30 AM by Crispy_ »

Did you run them through the oRBs converter? It is strongly recommended to do so - it should fix the preferences problem.;sa=view;down=4
Sorry it took a while to reply. I tried it and it's working fine now, Thanks!

It is possible you are experiencing the datablock (where going over about 4k datablocks crashes the game) bug a user encountered earlier. Try starting a server with only default add-ons enabled along with oRBs. Also be sure that you've ridden yourself of system_rtb

Quote from: Gytyyhgfffff
i'm real sad that the bug that crashes your server startup if you exceed the old datablock limit is still there
i really wanted to use orbs too but i guess i now have to remove it from my add-ons folder

System_oRBs has been tested multiple times with over 4k datablocks and no errors occurred.
I do not know where you are getting errors, link your console.log when it crashes so we may look into it.

Code: [Select]
Datablock Report:
  Base:    424
  Paint:   252
  Add-Ons: 4610
  Music:   1106
  Total:   6392

*** Stage 1 create
646 environmental resource files found
Regenerating file manifest
Got 12862 items in manifest, 5227 files hashed

call me stupid but how exactly does one open this?
The default key combination to open the oRBs interface is Ctrl + D.

The default key combination to open the oRBs interface is Ctrl + D.
Did you have something to do with making it D?  :cookieMonster:

The default key combination to open the oRBs interface is Ctrl + D.

The default key combo for oRBs is Ctrl+Tab

When I put System_oRBs in my server I have no preferences? It says this server has no preferences to manage, even though I do have preferences to manage.

When I put System_oRBs in my server I have no preferences? It says this server has no preferences to manage, even though I do have preferences to manage.

You need to either convert your add-ons with the RTB to oRBs converter, or use Crispy's add-on to support RTB prefs.