Author Topic: Programming Megathread  (Read 107617 times)

its in french I don't think you would understand it

Anyone else use Atom editor? I've just really gotten into programming lately, I like python a bit more than other programming languages for some reason. :P

Atom is pretty great. It's basically all of what Sublime should be, imo. Only thing is that it's a little sluggish in comparison, but that's easy to get used to.

Anyone else use Atom editor? I've just really gotten into programming lately, I like python a bit more than other programming languages for some reason. :P

I used to use it, but it's definitely not my favorite. It's very easy to use on the application level, but everything else? Total pain. Getting it to work with command line in Windows, from my experience, is an absolute pain.

I used to use it, but it's definitely not my favorite. It's very easy to use on the application level, but everything else? Total pain. Getting it to work with command line in Windows, from my experience, is an absolute pain.
Again, this has definitely improved over time. My last installation of Atom went without a single hitch on Windows. atom and apm were both already available on the command line without any extra steps from myself. Not sure when this happened, but you can actually properly set it as an application to open files with as well.

Again, this has definitely improved over time. My last installation of Atom went without a single hitch on Windows. atom and apm were both already available on the command line without any extra steps from myself. Not sure when this happened, but you can actually properly set it as an application to open files with as well.

Seriously!? That's amazing! I'm switching right back to atom, thanks a ton!

Is this the place for IDE chatter? I just use Notepad++, it's simple and clean. I'm not a fan of fancy macros or boot times longer than half a second.

Is this the place for IDE chatter? I just use Notepad++, it's simple and clean. I'm not a fan of fancy macros or boot times longer than half a second.
Anything programming related topic is welcome! IDEs also count

Is this the place for IDE chatter? I just use Notepad++, it's simple and clean. I'm not a fan of fancy macros or boot times longer than half a second.
the only thing I think n++ has over sublime is that it's free (in more ways than one). otherwise, it's awful by comparison
and while I love open source stuff, notepad++ is just........... bleh. sublime on the other hand has all kinds of stuff I love, despite being closed source
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 01:11:24 AM by Foxscotch »

If you're not using an IDE, you're wasting your time.
Fight me

Fight me
The problem is that you have no access to autocomplete, debugging tools, automatic generation of makefiles and all that bollocks if you're not using an IDE. It's like you're trying to handicap yourself.

I can't tell whether or not you've actually used Atom or Sublime Text before.

debugging tools

automatic generation of makefiles
There are more build systems than Make, last I checked, but okay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fight me
Fight my professors who say that, including the one that hand grades 60 students' project code line by line.
I can't tell whether or not you've actually used Atom or Sublime Text before.
There are more build systems than Make, last I checked, but okay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's effectively an IDE at that point, so it's fine.