Author Topic: Sp0nge80b - Making posts without thinking twice  (Read 18325 times)

Get banned please this is so stupid.


i get it, but isn't this a little overboard?

Get banned please this is so stupid.

it's the arg part that's annoying
he's either damage controlling or attempting to be clever and it's not working

Okay jfc let me try to explain

Spongebob is not making an ARG. When someone mentioned that earlier, it was because there is a user named "95" who quoted Spongebob's profile's tagline. People began digging through this "95" guy and it turns out every post he has made either just says "95" or is edited to say that.

I hope that makes things more understandable.

well now i look stupid
sorry bout that

well now i look stupid
sorry bout that

Nah you're fine
I think others were thinking the same thing as you


my avatar used to be spongebob bowing down to a windows 95 (my fav system)

my avatar used to be spongebob bowing down to a windows 95 (my fav system)

my avatar used to be spongebob bowing down to a windows 95 (my fav system)
but... why?

my avatar used to be spongebob bowing down to a windows 95 (my fav system)

my avatar used to be spongebob bowing down to a windows 95 (my fav system)

i'm sorry what

I saw it and wondered why no one was questioning it

I'm laughing so hard right now, he just got banned from hosting on the master server.

I'm laughing so hard right now, he just got banned from hosting on the master server.
When and where did that happen?

might of been a false alarm

It is, basically it's having issues connecting to the master server address.