Author Topic: Lord Tony's new infatuation with endlessly harping on Fallout 4  (Read 74341 times)

Is there any mods to remove the stupid grenade or mine flashing icon.

I can already hear that BEEP BEEP BEEP sound I don't need some big red flashing thing on my screen in my face.
The lack of ammo crafting really ruined things.

In New Vegas if I just wanted to use a specific gun all I have to do is keep crafting ammo for the guns I want and breaking down ammo for guns I don't use.

In Fallout 4 it's just a matter of how many bullets I can hoard for the gun I am not currently using. Then I am forced to use the guns I dislike because I ran out of ammo for my decent guns.
I already have like 20 mini nukes.

1,500 5mm ammo

30 missiles

I'm only level 19. Never even did a single quest.
The weapon models and animations are actually better in GTA 5 over Fallout 4 and GTA 5 is in third person, they didn't even technically need to go through that detail since the game didn't start off in first person.

They even modeled the button to eject the magazines on the side in GTA 5.
In fallout 3 I end up having like 5,000 ammo per gun and like 20,000 caps. I never bought a single thing from shops, the game is just too easy.

I am handicapping myself but the inability to make ammo makes absolutely no sense, lol. I'm not going to start selling unused ammo to buy ammo I want, that's a waste. Breaking down ammo would have been more useful.
I like how jet is now a pre-war drug. The lore really needed that.
I found a legendary knife that causes freezing damage. I don't understand why, there is no freezing modules taped up on it or anything. Maybe the knife is just so cold in general it freezes people?
My MISC slot is just full of keys and passwords that aren't useful anymore and I can't drop  them. In fallout 3 there was at least a keyring to keep all these together to save up space.

I can't throw this crap in a container either, how do I fix  this?

Also a folder just for putting notes in would have been nice.
Your character is an expert at gunsmithing, blacksmithing, power armor smithing and carpentry. However when it comes to making bullets, your character is too dumb to figure it out.

Apparently the player character is a master at armor smithing, black smithing, gun smithing, chemistry, carpentry and cooking yet the player character can't seem to grasp the concept of making ammo.
Do you know what debates are? You can't stop a debate because you don't like it.
I had to download a cap weight mod and a mod to make stimpacks 1 pound each.
There are no unique items from what I am seeing. Sure they are "legendary" but the only difference to them is a stat.

There is no unique looking color or special attachment you can't simply make.
You figure like they would change how the receiver looks or something.

I have a plasma infused 10mm pistol. You figure there would be some unique looking plasma tube sticking out of it, nope.

Or this "vats shotgun" that gives you a bonus in vats. You figure the shotgun would have a tiny vats monitor duct taped on it. Nope, just looks like a normal shotgun.
I changed the vanilla 1week area respawn to 4months.

Also downloaded a mod to lower the chance of finding loot by 95%
Fallout 4 is the first fallout game of the series to lack serious loveual themes. Fallout 2 was not only full of loveual themes and content but you could even get date raped by Myron.
^ literally complaining that no one get's raped in fallout 4. incredible.
I've seen far worse from GTA 5 and the game still remains at an M rating. One of the highest selling games of all time. There is no excuse to try and not to offend others in videogames anymore, it just holds the game back.

Guess it's best to not trigger any women's ptsd from being date raped in a videogame.
Oh you people talking about spoilers like as if you were surprised or anything. I knew about the ending of the game way back during the e3 announcement. It's not surprising the entire story was obvious from the start. Bethesda can't write themselves out of a paper bag.
I was heavily disappointed that modded gun receivers looks don't change one bit. Also the fact legendary weapons don't look legendary, they just have a special stat on them.

If I were to have a freezing pipe pistol I'd expect the weapon to have a special cryo receiver.
So an unlimited amount of people who can't die.

The game plays itself while you can just sit behind a rock.
It's not just deathclaws, IT'S EVERYONE. The AI is broken.
Would be nice if they gave us helmet vision or the ability to see our body in first person.

I had to download a mod to do both in NV.
I had to download a darker night mod. It's so bright at night I can't even tell if my light is on or not.
NPCs are telepathic. I stole a pack of cigarettes from the very top of a tower where no one on the ground could possibly see me.

The entire town went hostile.
Still waiting for them to patch out pipe pistols from showing in untouched pre-war safes.
If they were going to throw pipe pistols in pre-war safes that have never been touched it would have made more sense to throw in pre-war variants. Like single shot slam fire weapons or whatever.
These legendary weapons don't feel legendary. It's all just a stat change.

When I see a mutant killing shotgun that does 15% more damage to mutants I ask why? There is no special anti-FEV tubes sticking out of the shotgun or anything for that to make any sense.

Or how about a "Vats assisted pipe pistol!" You figure like it would have a special vats monitor attached to the gun to make sense, right?

Plasma infused 10mm pistol. There are no plasma tubes to be found.
I downloaded a darker mod to make the nights darker. It feels much more natural. The lights actually seem to be really helpful as they are well lit and you can see glowing fungus for miles.

You'll notice he repeat himself. A lot.

pipe pistols existed before the bombs fell
they were weapons made in detroid
theres a poster of it somewhere

idk im not going to go through all of this but hey most of it is just fixable with mods and explained by lore
its just a GAME

I guess it is true that Tony has gotten a bit excessive on hating Fallout 4, but does this really need a separate drama topic? I don't see why we can't just keep this contained in the F4 topic instead.

soooooooooooo this isnt blockland related? most of this looks like fallout 4 nonsense. theres a megathread for that

I guess it is true that Tony has gotten a bit excessive on hating Fallout 4, but does this really need a separate drama topic? I don't see why we can't just keep this contained in the F4 topic instead.

soooooooooooo this isnt blockland related? most of this looks like fallout 4 nonsense. theres a megathread for that
I'd say a forum user stuffting up a thread on this website with complaints for a literal month would belong in drama. This is brony-tier obsession. He literally cannot stop. It's incredible.

I'd say a forum user stuffting up a thread on this website with complaints for a literal month would belong in drama. This is brony-tier obsession. He literally cannot stop. It's incredible.

I guess that makes sense but my question still stands

Does this really need a separate drama topic? I don't see why we can't just keep this contained in the F4 topic instead.

I guess it is true that Tony has gotten a bit excessive on hating Fallout 4, but does this really need a separate drama topic? I don't see why we can't just keep this contained in the F4 topic instead.

The point of this thread was to bring up that he was being annoying without further spamming the Fallout thread. it would be kinda hypocritical to complain about spamming a thread by further filling it with argument

I guess that makes sense but my question still stands

because no one wants to stuff on the F4 topic when you could just make a new drama thread?

He still hasn't told us the Pitch Perfect 2 story.

He still hasn't told us the Pitch Perfect 2 story.

the what now

soooooooooooo this isnt blockland related? most of this looks like fallout 4 nonsense. theres a megathread for that
This so much
This drama topic is useless imo

Skyrim is in my top 10 games ever. But only heavily modded. Very computer breaking heavily.

Normal vanilla skyrim isnt even on my top 1000 list.

Hes a hardcore pc gamer. This is how its done.