
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 518269 times)

that long range thing of his, won't that suck for enemy jungler because swain can pressure camp lasthitting with it thus forcing smites and stuff.. :/

like a xerath q doesn't add pressure because he either steal or don't steal, no counterplay. but this swain thing will force them to use smite on, for example, early blue (because detonation is delayed) and swain doesn't even have to give up any resources by having to walk so close.

just my thought

edit: Targeted spells now draw minion aggro.. wowe
couldnt they wait out the eye once it shows up, use it as a free leash? or does it do enough damage at early levels to put that kind of pressure on? feels like once you see it you'd just stop hitting the buff unless you could finish it off in one ability

guess it depends if he can detonate w early. as far as I can tell it seems like no

okay I admit, I enjoy trolling normals with my friend (never do it alone though), and we try all the cheese we can come up with in the botlane

skarner/thresh combo win
maokai/zyra plants win
gragas/sion fatties loss
sion/zilean al qaida loss due to dc issue

last game our jungler kayn became pretty pissed and spammed allchat whole game and trashtalked enemy team for being 0's.

in the endscreen I decided to plead for my innocence and I quote:
"are you going to report us? "I really tried my best :("

as multiple enemies answered
"no one report sion" "all report kayn" "report kayn for bullying"

and today I got the "penalty been issued" message. it was a good day

this is the best i've carried in a while. everything i did felt instinctual even though i don't play pantheon often.
it wasn't clean and we thought we were gonna lose earlier on (i pressured other lanes but that gave nasus a lot of farm and power). my ult over the baron wall to prevent their team from stealing our final baron is what gave us the final push to win.


i just want to play teemo, but he keeps getting banned, so then i play pants :(
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 06:38:30 PM by auzman466 »

thinking of getting back into this game, anyone wanna play? my ign is gloomylord. lost my old account and have no idea the username or anything, cant find it in my emails lol. apparently all i own is fiddlesticks, and afaik he is pretty awful but probably useable in casual

join the discord link on the op and you can probably find ppl to q with u more easily than thru posts here

now I realize why I'm tilted

I have 3 wins in 20 games.. that's kinda bad..

actually, I have 1 win in 18 games. odd

So aftershock Singed is maybe just a little bit strong

happen to have a pic of how much damage mitigated by aftershock?

happen to have a pic of how much damage mitigated by aftershock?
it's a 70 armor and MR steroid on a 20 second cooldown. Ult is another 60 armor, MR, and a richard load of regen

Anecdotally, in one of the games, I got ulted by a varus but got the fling off to proc aftershock and the entire enemy team was standing around me trying to kill me and they did maybe 200 dmg and I was able to walk away once the cc ended. My only armor item was tabis and I had ~400 armor

why you do this to me riot

edit: meanwhile I've also gotten 4 permanent ward skins, and 3 shards..
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 06:30:10 AM by Ladle »

they're telling you to play kleptomancy nasus its still meta go on try it

Why doesn't anyone play Vel'koz? This dude is like the number 3 best midlaner, with a 53-54 percent winrate

Why doesn't anyone play Vel'koz? This dude is like the number 3 best midlaner, with a 53-54 percent winrate
same reason no one plays anivia

Why doesn't anyone play Vel'koz? This dude is like the number 3 best midlaner, with a 53-54 percent winrate

velkoz is in a really good position right now, but I guess mages without reliable self-peel aren't that attractive

assassins and fighters always pleases the crowd

edit: </3 https://eu.lolesports.com/darkroom/original/8971080eb84eb6df86bdb8ff5c49a334:f514b95f7265a25c0810f8da0f399 143
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 10:04:36 AM by Ladle »

Why doesn't anyone play Vel'koz? This dude is like the number 3 best midlaner, with a 53-54 percent winrate
winrate means literally nothing on its own

it's just a metric to measure the strength of the average player on a champion. Champion winrates fluctuate due to the meta, balance changes with runes/items, game length, etc.

For example, Singed has the 2nd highest winrate top lane in platinum+ right now, but that statistic is incredibly misleading.

Gnar and Camille are great picks into him and are strong, he falls off like a ton of bricks after the 25 minute mark, and unless one is willing to put in the time to learn a lot of champion-specific mechanics, picking literally ANYTHING else is better.

Singed having a 52% winrate doesn't mean everyone should pick him. It literally just means that the average of all Singed players' winrates is 53%. Singed has a lot of OTPs, so it makes sense. Vel is similar, his pickrate has never been crazy but he does have his one tricks.