
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 499725 times)

Given that your cs per minute is usually < 6, you need to focus on last hitting more and not letting your cs drop off after lane.

Given your high KDAs and abysmal winrate (sorry but it's true) it seems you put very little emphasis on using your lead effectively to snowball your team and close out games before you throw.

Given that your cs per minute is usually < 6, you need to focus on last hitting more and not letting your cs drop off after lane.

Given your high KDAs and abysmal winrate (sorry but it's true) it seems you put very little emphasis on using your lead effectively to snowball your team and close out games before you throw.
im aware of my winrate, but i actually disagree with blaming it on my ability to close out games. i actually consider myself a good team leader (for my ELO) and always focus objectives. the problem is ive been having so many run ins with early game feeders, trolls, AFKers, and autofilled supports, that the game is just REALLY hard to win when that is happening and youre just having an average game yourself

here is my most recent game lol

but who cares its the pre season
its the worst feeling though when youre confident you can win any botlane youre up against but your support has a whole nother plan about that one
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 07:51:36 AM by hootaloo »

I don't know what to tell you, but it seems pretty unlikely that you're unlucky this much.

On another note. Step up your cs, though I would say (without even playing Jihn before) that he should be harder to cs with than the hyper carries understandably. Your average is 163. My average on Ezreal with about the same amount of games is 190.

all I wanted for christmas was my first ezreal skin


also adcs in general are strong rn so its not like fed adcs cant solocarry even with eh teammates, like the beginning of this year.

also adcs in general are strong rn so its not like fed adcs cant solocarry even with eh teammates, like the beginning of this year.
marksmen are the only class that has always been mandatory in a team comp save for the short period of time with ziggs bot.

You need ranged ad dps for teamfights and sieging too much to not have an adc.

Other classes come and go but marksmen have always been at their very least viable. Look at top lane fighters and juggs rn and realize most of them are garbage and neither of these classes have ever been mandatory as marksmen have been. I just hate the adc in 2017 meme cuz marksmen have never been bad enough to get replaced by another class

to be fair supports have always been meta too and there's only been short periods of time where brand / zyra / annie have been better than any other stuff like janna and lulu

but at least u can shut down adcs u can never make supports not useful

to be fair supports have always been meta too and there's only been short periods of time where brand / zyra / annie have been better than any other stuff like janna and lulu

but at least u can shut down adcs u can never make supports not useful
Yeah but you can't really just slap "support" onto them because they're probably the most dynamic role there is.

i think you need to lay down for awhile

~300 min of loss

aka 5 hours

rip in piss

Does vision score get super inflated by zombie wards, they honestly need a nerf because they're so impactful ig. And yeah I'm always the one with the most pinks, I'm that lovey.

Does vision score get super inflated by zombie wards, they honestly need a nerf because they're so impactful ig. And yeah I'm always the one with the most pinks, I'm that lovey.

it does also wow any support going below 70 vision score needs to rethink their role