
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 518327 times)

what the duck is that thing
also, link to abilities and things?
its just a teaser no spotlight or info yet

cant wait for it to be either permaban or 32% winrate

cant wait for it to be either permaban or 32% winrate
32% winrate would still be a good reason to permaban

stop your own team from hype picking them.

demoted to plat2, rip diamond dream

silver 1 21 lp

so close but so far...I really should have started trying to climb sooner


Looks nice, lots of outplay potential and a high skillcap with some neat skillshots. I dislike that much of her dmg will be homing missiles and empowered AA tho. :/

Ah, so it's a
>draw little girl
>call her thousands of years old

type of character.

high skillcap
if you call needing to land one skillshot to win lane a high skillcap i'd hate to see what a low skill character is

if you call needing to land one skillshot to win lane a high skillcap i'd hate to see what a low skill character is
to be fair having to reverse fire that skillshot gives it more flight time and makes it more predictable in terms of the direction its coming from, so id expect to see it trash low elo but be dodgeable higher elo

also minion block

i rlly want to main her but that JHIN SKIN THO IM loving HARD

to be fair having to reverse fire that skillshot gives it more flight time and makes it more predictable in terms of the direction its coming from, so id expect to see it trash low elo but be dodgeable higher elo

also minion block
i'm talking about hitting the "sleep" thing bubble whatever it is

all you have to do is hit that and you have more than enough time to at least get the fire back and then towards the stunned guy

any other cc after that just lets you set it up further back

this is all just from watching the abilities themselves and the gameplay stuff, when the scaling and "x lasts for this long" stuff comes out it'll be easier to tell what's good but considering that liss got hit by two abilities and immediately had to back i'm leaning towards this character is going to be absurd in lane and worthless everywhere else

the w only hit one missile and there was a single auto on top of the q e at level 6 vs a level 5 liss and she was brought down from 1k~ max health to 320~ health
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 07:42:34 PM by kongo »

can they make a new champ that doesnt have a completely different fundamental ability or

Can they make champions without cancer mobility

thats probably the biggest powercreep in the game, mobility abilities

you cant nerf them to the point of irrelevance without removing their purpose, eg problems with overdone mobility are only fixable with full gameplay updates.

yo that alt skin tho
we persona now