
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 477855 times)

2.65 kda on Singed...

With a 60% winrate :^)

when the jungler tries to steal your kill, wave and solo turret gold after not ganking once since the start of the game


posting mine for w/e reason

I haven't gone into ranked play yet. I like this, getting to see my stats is always fun, sometimes wtf why does Yi kill me so much why do I play adc in low elo I'm banning Yi in every game aaaa. I might look into Kha'Zix after the assassin update and I've been needing a decent champ to jungle with so I can actually learn how to because I am trash at playing jungle. Also thought about Quinn since I like marksmen style champions, but Graves was extremely boring for me to try and test out jungle with the last free rotation.

edit: some of the stats aren't exactly accurate, never played twisted treeline ranked and I quit playing aram a while ago, only to hop in sometimes but eh

hecarim, vi and zac are all really good junglers that aren't tough to pick up

oh yeah. I have been really looking at Vi as well, I liked her when I tried her out in the old jungle so I'd have to give her another swing. I try my best to not grab up champions that a friend plays on a regular basis(or is trying to learn) but that does cut down on who I can play. Forgot about Hecarim, he's pretty solid. thanks for the reminders

The vayne gives and takes, giggles

Vayne is literally Riddler

The vayne gives and takes, giggles
I'm in the same position but with yasuo.

I'm in the same position but with yasuo.

just kidding i like to play yasuo sometimes and don't have trouble against him
or am i?

My "Most Kills" are against Yasuo so please, pick that champ more ;^)


snowdown hit. some decent bundles are out methinks, older skins too so take a look if interested. I might try to land for the Snow Day Bundle sometime.

are any of you are looking to get skins that you don't already have?

I'm so boosted s5 silver, s6 bronze, s7 level 30. Why do the ELO gods keep me in ELO hell?  :cookieMonster:

Edit: on a serious note, someone please boost me to gold, k.

braum's new skin gets me ho- i mean looks cool cause its winter haha get it