I've had my lane opponent buy culling after they die at least 6 times or after black cleaver then try to 2v1 me. it doesn't work out too well lol, but otherwise yeah pretty much no one buys culling when they need to. However to be fair, most of them DO buy culling, it's just that most of them are too far behind to do anything.
Are there other spell choices, by the way? I really don't like taking ghost, but I've debated about taking ignite in a lot of my games. oftentimes I can get the enemy to do 100-300 health fairly easily so I'm thinking it can get me ahead even more, but I value TP over other spells. Of course, exhaust is great against assassins like Zed but I haven't been going midlane swain much. Suggestions on other summs would be great
Landed Silver 2 in my ten games and I believe I'm around Gold 5 in norms right now or somewhere around there I think. People take the worst trades and I get so confused. Had an Illaoi lose half of her HP for 1 CS and I seem to be the only one paying attention to their jungler showing bot lane for the most part. Had a Kayn and Teemo try to rush down my tower for first, they did get it but I got a double kill. People become really dumb for 300 gold or less. The one game I lost, it was a Vayne who was fed af due to my adc going 0/14 or something crazy, thanks Xayah. Strangely, the 0/13 Teemo did more damage than anyone else on his team, feelsbad.