Author Topic: [COMPLETE] The Pit of 100 Trials  (Read 65286 times)

Day 10

we have a situation

40/100 Pit levels constructed

thanks to Goth77 there is now a script for health showing that i'm considering to use, for extra stat awareness
luckily it's a one-way game so you can't wuss out because you have low health

i guess i'll have to figure out whether to use it or not soon

  • construct the other 60 rooms
  • do a bunch of other stuff that doesn't come to mind

considering that i'm building this about 500 64x cubes up, things get glitchy up here
bricks get displaced by 1 plate (although this is only a visual illusion)

it got to the point where if i hammered or undo'd a brick at the lowest part the entire section would unghost, so that was troubling to work around

Flintlock Weapons would be a good match.



Fireworks would be cool for completing a dungeon too:
neat suggestions

i'll take a look and see if they'll do well

thank you!

When is a test server gonna be opened?

Maybe over the course of the dungeon you can go up in era. It would require a bunch of datablocks to have several weapon sets, but it would be pretty cool to go Flintlock > Tier Tactical > Quake-Like.

Maybe over the course of the dungeon you can go up in era. It would require a bunch of datablocks to have several weapon sets, but it would be pretty cool to go Flintlock > Tier Tactical > Quake-Like.
most items would have to be accessible in the main lobby though

interesting idea though

When is a test server gonna be opened?
i'll probably try to set something up in a few days

first i want to get to level 50, then i actually have to add in all the enemies

so suggest some!
you can give info on everything about an enemy (name, appearance, running speed, scale in xyz, playertype, fov, health, death effects, etc)

i need like a bunch of ideas

the weaponsets that will likely be used is Old School and likely Quake-Type, unless there is a good reason why not to

quick VCE question:
how would i be able to modify a variable inside a player? their 'maxhealth' value to be specific

last note: to be clear, this is just a fun little game where you spawn in a lobby, buy a bunch of stuff, then go through a dungeon until you die and you start over

don't let yourself get hype

Maybe over the course of the dungeon you can go up in era. It would require a bunch of datablocks to have several weapon sets, but it would be pretty cool to go Flintlock > Tier Tactical > Quake-Like.

thaaaat looks backwards

Day 11

now with actual pits

45/100 Pit levels constructed
woo hoo almost halfway there

more planning for items and weapons also done

  • construct the other 55 rooms
  • do a bunch of other stuff that doesn't come to mind

i have interest in more two shops for the main lobby

pm me if you want to build one

you'll be given a theme, some size limits, and also a deadline because gotta go fast

you don't have to be amazing but just something decent

thaaaat looks backwards
i dunno i think it fits

quick VCE question: how would i be able to modify a variable inside a player? their 'maxhealth' value to be specific

iirc the only VCE value that you can manually modify are ones that you've created and brick variables. Would have to do it in code. May be wrong tho.

Day 12

the sun, she is beautiful, no?

50/100 Pit levels constructed
half way there

  • add enemies for the already-completed 50 rooms
  • start setting up so that testing can be done
  • actually start testing
  • construct the other 50 rooms after testing

this will probably take a week

iirc the only VCE value that you can manually modify are ones that you've created and brick variables. Would have to do it in code. May be wrong tho.

i'm going to need enemy ideas now

i'm going to need enemy ideas now

That are constantly honking. If they attack you they have a chance at stumbling you.

Hanks (Horse + Tank Turret w/ Operator):

Rare bastards that are alpha threat level.

Hanks (Horse + Tank Turret w/ Operator):

Rare bastards that are alpha threat level.
is it actually possible to create such a combination

is it actually possible to create such a combination
Yes. Glory existed on Earth when Hanks first wandered the Earth.

never forgetti

most items would have to be accessible in the main lobby though

interesting idea though
Increasing prices, then?
Also, what is this Old School pack you speak of? All I could find is the Old School rifle.

thaaaat looks backwards
Those arrows are meant to represent time, not less than/greater than. :P

You could have a bomb enemy (Kamikazier?). Pitch-black clothing with a grinning face, slightly smaller (0.75x) and faster (variable speeds playertypes) than will try and get as close as possible to the player, where it will use weak attacks and drain its own health. At low health, it emits smoke and switches datablock to an even faster player. When it dies, it creates a massive explosion.

If you're enabling Quake-Like Weapons, perhaps enemies specific to some of the more quirky weapons. A boxer (skin-colored except for the pants, which are red) that is larger than normal (1.25x) with the explosive fist, maybe a tomahawk dude.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 12:35:00 AM by TristanLuigi »

here are some enemy ideas just off the top of my head

guy who deals flat unavoidable damage (raycast?) after a period of charging that can be interrupted by damaging him, but he's super tough
guy who deals flat unavoidable raycast damage after a period of charging who can be interrupted by killing him and he doesnt have much health but he comes in like packs of 10
guy who jumps really high and will not stop forgetin jumping
guy who jumps really high but falls really slow and sloooowly descends on you, firing (an airstrike?) as he goes
guy who alternatively is completely invincible and immobile, or vulnerable and firing his gun
guy who radiates an aura that makes nearby enemies invincible until you kill him
guy who moves slowly but constantly emits force explosions that budge you around, with the intent of loving up your spacing and making it hard to dodge enemy fire
guy who is alternatively forgetin invisible, or firing at you with a shotgun
guy who 'spalls' whenever you hit him, causing him to emit a weak explosion that deals enough damage to matter but not enough damage to kill you in like one hit
guy who goes invisible on hit and attempts to hide. when he reappears he stops moving and tries to take a pot shot at you with a big gun
guy who is always invisible but he's also always firing an automatic weapon, blowing his own cover