Author Topic: Redconer- 33688 DragonoidSlayer - 29131  (Read 11100 times)

So because people have done worse things he shouldn't be preemptively banned for being a known troll?
That isn't what I said. I said that people have done worse things that get less stuff, there is no because in there.
As to the second part:
umm i was on the server for about an hour or two and i dont think i caused any problems

viso and akio was there
you can confirm this with Akio and Viso if you want.

imma bump this real quick but
whatever you do, do not let dragonoid be in charge of your projects, he's a irresponsible power-hungry freak who starves for attention
as soon as he gets some power he'll turn into a entirely different person
that's all i'm gonna say

Redconer mistakenly banned someone, so what? He banned someone because they are a problem user, nothing wrong with this.  DragonoidSlayer has always been a problem user, but most of the time he isn't.  I have known Redconer for a long time and i don't see him as a problem.


imma bump this real quick but
whatever you do, do not let dragonoid be in charge of your projects, he's a irresponsible power-hungry freak who starves for attention
as soon as he gets some power he'll turn into a entirely different person
that's all i'm gonna say
Ex. Conan's server, Akowalski's Christmas.

As to the second part:  you can confirm this with Akio and Viso if you want.

Why do people always have the perpetual need to poke at other people?

Redconer mistakenly banned someone, so what? He banned someone because they are a problem user, nothing wrong with this.  DragonoidSlayer has always been a problem user, but most of the time he isn't.  I have known Redconer for a long time and i don't see him as a problem.


Redconer banned me but I didn't break any rules.

Redconer banned me but I didn't break any rules.

You didn't break any rule but still asking for trouble and flaming admins, which is a bannable offence if admin decides so.

Redconer banned me but I didn't break any rules.
I want to expand on this because I don't want to see people using this excuse:

Just because something isn't listed as a general rule does not mean you cannot be punished for it. When you join a server, the staff holds every right to remove you for whatever reason they see fit. HOWEVER in you case the admins were acing unprofessional and punished you for the wrong reasons and in the wrong way. I don't believe that saying stuff like "badmins lol" and calling out abuse is any way to act in a server if 1. You don't know he's you're talking about
2. You are saying something for the purpose of instigating an argument (which appears to be what the majority of users countering your claims believe.)
You would not believe how obnoxious it is to be told how to do your job by somebody that clearly has no right to do so. (Be aware I'm not saying that you are doing any of this, just stating my frustration with the topic.)
You didn't break any rule but still asking for trouble and flaming admins, which is a bannable offence if admin decides so.
You are correct about an admin deciding it to be a ban able offense however as I stated, "they punished you for the wrong reasons and in the wrong way."

You didn't break any rule but still asking for trouble and flaming admins, which is a bannable offence if admin decides so.
he didn't flame any admins? he just used passive criticism a couple of times. if anything they were provoking him, it looked like he stopped saying anything until they egged it on.
if i had admins getting this butthurt over something like this, i'd get rid of them quickly.

they could've easily just muted kahnu too, but no, they ban him.

he didn't flame any admins? he just used passive criticism a couple of times. if anything they were provoking him, it looked like he stopped saying anything until they egged it on.
if i had admins getting this butthurt over something like this, i'd get rid of them quickly.

they could've easily just muted kahnu too, but no, they ban him.

True that they could have muted him instead of ban him, but the was unneeded and probably the one of the too many "passive critics"
But yes it's obvious here that admins provoked him too, so nobody here really need support...

"the guys op drama'd provoked him, yeah nobody should support op"

like yeah, we get it. kahnu isn't the best forumer but if you aren't going to have him on your server, don't have him at all.

if you don't want a person on your server, don't provoke him and then ban him, just ban him.

"the guys op drama'd provoked him, yeah nobody should support op"

like yeah, we get it. kahnu isn't the best forumer but if you aren't going to have him on your server, don't have him at all.

if you don't want a person on your server, don't provoke him and then ban him, just ban him.

Admins' provocations we're mostly awnsers to kahnu's critics, so the first one to start all of this was kahnu

And admins could just have muted him and moved on, so no OP don't need support, neither does admins.

imma bump this real quick but
whatever you do, do not let dragonoid be in charge of your projects, he's a irresponsible power-hungry freak who starves for attention
as soon as he gets some power he'll turn into a entirely different person
that's all i'm gonna say
Ok, so. Let me get this right Metario. Simply because I deadmin you WITH Ako's permission because you literally banned me from my own server, or because you made back doors into my eval, or made yourself auto admin after removal through backdoors, you think that I am power hungry? We have been over this too many times to count, Ako and I started the project together, I get that you are ticked that you lost your admin or whatever, but you can't take that out on me. You were SA on my server for a long while, and didn't do stuff except forget with eval or add backdoors to my server. If you wish to call me power seeking, go ahead, but we both know it's not true. Both ako and I put a lot of work into the Christmas CRPG, and are both disappointed that it never even got >10 people.

Akowalski's Christmas.
Have you even talked to him about it at all? You think that simply because I hosted it and am SA, I either put no work in at all, or are in it just for admin? I, along with Ako, spent a lot of time on the project, regardless of what you say.
Conan's server
What, are you loving serious? Which of the servers are you even talking about? I'll just explain both of them.
Conan was brought into the project AFTER I and 4 others started. After I realized that I could not compete with his building skills, I let him take over. I got him in contact with the 2014 Halloweenfest creator, and Magus, and many others. He knows that Halloweenfest would not have happened, if I had not organized it. I can admit that I did not put as much building work as much as Conan, magus, or zealot, but this does not mean I just sat back and watched them do the work. I was on the backhand doing any events needed with Xenos The Red, or getting people to help Conan, or just getting people together to help in general. If you ask Conan directly, he can tell you that we both were the lead of the project(Along with Magus, Zealot, and Xenos The Red),  and we both put fourth a lot of work, as well as everybody else involved in the project.
Conan's Current Server:
I'm letting conan host on my server. If you think that I am power seeking on this, it makes no sense..

Have you even talked to him about it at all? You think that simply because I hosted it and am SA, I either put no work in at all, or are in it just for admin? I, along with Ako, spent a lot of time on the project, regardless of what you say. What, are you loving serious?
During the project, Ako was looking for opportunities to ditch you. The only reason he stayed with you was because he really wanted to get the map done.

I'm still with the statement that kahnuu was more of the victim and my fault for getting up against him.