
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2288876 times)

I'd send it to you, but I'm not sure whether you can read considering you ignored everything I said just to call me a Fox News shill.
If there's a rationale for why the raid was illegal, I do want to read it. But also I'm preemptively assuming it isn't illegal since there's no way that a special counsel under that much public scrutiny would do something flagrantly illegal like that. There's probably some sort of reason for why the raid was permitted.

I thought this explained it pretty well

Quote from: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/04/09/michael-cohen-fbi-raid-attorney-client-privilege/501564002/
"It’s very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney’s office and that’s because you want to be careful not to get privileged material," said Litman, who teaches at the UCLA School of Law and continues to practice at the law firm Constantine Cannon.

In order to get the OK to raid Cohen's office, prosecutors would have had to get approval from high up — in this case from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — and demonstrate to a federal magistrate both probable cause and the need for a warrant instead of a subpoena (such as a concern that Cohen might destroy evidence), Litman explained.

There will also be a "taint team" to examine everything before it is handed over to prosecutors to make sure that those conducting the case never see any material that might be "tainted" by attorney-client privilege.

The only way the prosecution would be permitted to examine any material that might otherwise fall under the attorney-client umbrella is if it is determined to be part of crime jointly undertaken by the attorney and the client. But for the privilege to be nullified, Litman said the taint team would have to get the approval of the court to present the material to the prosecution.

In order to fall under attorney-client protection, the documents just have to be related to Cohen dispensing legal advice or gathering information in order to give that advice, Litman said. But merely having an attorney involved does not guarantee the protection.

"It can’t just be that somebody with the bar degree is in the general vicinity," Litman said.

Based on his experience with cases involving issues of attorney-client privilege, Litman said is likely that the prosecution never sees 80% or more of the documents. 

can yall stop with the fukin avatars dog I thought you were grimlock and this post confused the hell outta me

can yall stop with the fukin avatars dog I thought you were grimlock and this post confused the hell outta me
something something texas something something business college something something autism

That seems pretty cut-and-dry to me. Assuming they aren't looking at documents which are indeed protected under attorney-client privilege, then I see no problem with it.

Also 'taint team' is funny.


If it's not a criminal investigation it doesn't matter

All you're doing is playing semantics like a giant testiclechinned idiot

If it's not a criminal investigation it doesn't matter

All you're doing is playing semantics like a giant testiclechinned idiot
Mueller only indicated that he's not currently a criminal target of the investigation, not that he's either a) no longer under investigation (he is) or b) will never in future be considered a criminal target (could be).

Semantics are important

smells like teen autism

smells like teen autism
maybe you should take a shower

tbh, anything I disagree with is autistic. just saying

tbh, anything I disagree with is autistic. just saying

Arguing semantics is the mark of an autist

I wonder how many tax dollars are being wasted on this sore-loser liberal goose chase. Probably enough to BUILD THE WALL

Arguing semantics is the mark of an autist
probably should call mueller an autist then cause his history as Annoying Oranges lawyer involved him arguing semantics a lot, even if it got nowhere. hell, expand it to all lawyers.