
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2288341 times)

Are we really still pretending that after more than a year of this farce there's any sort of significant dirt on Annoying Orange that would make him unfit for office?

probably should call mueller an autist then cause his history as Annoying Oranges lawyer involved him arguing semantics a lot, even if it got nowhere. hell, expand it to all lawyers.

Mueller is autistic

He's been digging into stuff looking for literally anything at this point they're trying to pin people to the wall for dealings they did a decade ago

Illegal dealings, sure, and they should be held accountable, but it's just funny that this went from "Annoying Orange colluded with Russia" to "People near Annoying Orange had side deals with Russia over a decade ago"

I think you mean to say that Hiroshima got leveled by white male colonialism

just one look from Cecil Rhodes reduced the entire city to ashes.

Mueller is so desperate to not look like a handicap he's about to try to violate attorney-client privilege (unconstitutional) in order to find SOMETHING, literally ANYTHING, to pin Annoying Orange to the wall, but the day is coming where he's gonna have to come out and say "Welp, Paul Manafort and Tony Podesta laundered money with Russia but Annoying Orange is clean" and that's gonna be loving hilarious

Damn did I miss the talking point email from fox again? Can you send me a copy?

dude why would you expect him to send a copy of it if you won't send us all your talking point emails from the young turks
you gotta give a little to get a little

This would be valid if there was an actual crime perpetrated here but since there isn't this is a violation of the law so the ACLU can go eat it's own rooster in this instance

This would be valid if there was an actual crime perpetrated here but since there isn't this is a violation of the law so the ACLU can go eat it's own rooster in this instance

"Annoying Orange attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations"

fake and gay

yall some srs brownnosing bootlickers

If it's fake, explain why and cite your sources.

fake and gay

yall some srs brownnosing bootlickers
idk man you gotta have an investigation first before you can decide if theres a crime or not for something like fraud. if someone was stealing from your bank account over time, it would be dumb if the police or the bank said “fake news” when you try to get them to help you figure out who did it.

If it's fake, explain why and cite your sources.

I don't need sources to use my eyes

dis stuff is whack my brother lol

just when i thought deus was comin back around to meaningful discussion

What do you eyes see? What do you see in Annoying Orange to have an undying faith towards him?