
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2288445 times)

what is this trollop talking about

lol you're trying way too hard

what is this trollop talking about
nobody really knows

if it makes you this mad to come in this thread why do you keep coming here lmao

nobody really knows

Darryl needs a frontal lobe transplant

if it makes you this mad to come in this thread why do you keep coming here lmao

im not handicapped you are

im not handicapped you are

Gonna call me a troll too? Seems you all are incapable of actually refuting posts legitimately now. If you don't like me saying this, you're in the perfect position to prove me wrong.

Seems you all are incapable of actually refuting posts legitimately now.

your posts stopped having any discernible merit when you decided trying to entrap people in gottem statements was a worthwhile debating tatic for sticking it to those ebil right wingers
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 12:42:09 AM by Anthony Fuckstick »

your posts stopped having any discernible merit when you decided trying to entrap people in gottem statements
what is this trollop talking about
nobody really knows

try again

my first post on this page continues to summarize my current observations

your posts stopped having any discernible merit when you decided trying to entrap people in gottem statements was a worthwhile debating tatic for sticking it to those ebil right wingers
isnt ike right wing though

isnt ike right wing though

Ike da generic is a gay furry communist transvestite.