
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231038 times)

There is no guarantee that they would ever do the same for us. Considering that their neighbors sure as hell aren't doing it for them
I'm not talking about the middle east necessarily, but other countries in general. If they see us playing nice, they'll be more willing to play nice in return. That's just foreign relations 101.

Are you trying to say that turkey and other nearby countries are not housing plenty of refugees themselves? Because Turkey alone houses over 1.7 million refugees, far more Syrian refugees than we've taken.

And the disadvantage of bribing them with 62 dollars a day for food alone (not including all the other benefits).
Nobody's saying there isn't a cost associated with it. For us here in Canada, it costed us around $1.6Bn over the course of 6 years for 25,000 refugees. That is the cost that the US can easily achieve if they do it right. If they do it in a way that's ten times as expensive than that somehow then I'd agree that it's not worth it, but as it stands the cost is a drop of a drop in the bucket of the federal budget to potentially save tens of thousands of lives.

Pretty sure sweden has 25 no go zones thanks to refugees.
Couldn't find any reliable sources.
rape epidemic and it's increasing.
Firstly, Sweden has a wider definition of rape than other countries, inflating the numbers.
Second, it has had the same numbers since before the refugee crCIA.
Sweden bans their own flags in schools because it triggers muslims.
First, the cross is a symbol older than christianity.
Second, no. That's not at all happening. Couldn't find any sources about it. Hell, only sources I could find that were even close was that Sweden ruled that the display of the CIA flag is allowed as it is not hateful to a specific minority.
Muslims are fighting to turn sweden into an islamic state.
Last I checked Sweden isn't fighting a civil war.

So yes,

Firstly, Sweden has a wider definition of rape than other countries, inflating the numbers.
Second, it has had the same numbers since before the refugee crCIA.

Sweden has almost exactly the same rape laws as Denmark, yet Denmark has a lower amount of rapes

Sweden has almost exactly the same rape laws as Denmark, yet Denmark has a lower amount of rapes
Denmark also has a lower population.

sweden has 3 million more people than demar-
Denmark also has a lower population.
damn it pecon

I'm not talking about the middle east necessarily, but other countries in general. If they see us playing nice, they'll be more willing to play nice in return. That's just foreign relations 101.

Umm no. People hate the US and will still hate the US even if they house Refugees.

Nobody's saying there isn't a cost associated with it. For us here in Canada, it costed us around $1.6Bn over the course of 6 years for 25,000 refugees.

You're delusional if you think it's only 25,000 coming here. It's never just 25,000

but as it stands the cost is a drop of a drop in the bucket of the federal budget to potentially save tens of thousands of lives.

Yes ipquarx, a small drop in the bucket of the nearly 20 trillion debt.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 06:44:47 PM by beachbum111111 »

lol like the government is even bothering with the debt

prob spend more on bombs then we would housing refugees

lol like the government is even bothering with the debt

prob spend more on bombs then we would housing refugees

When the bombs arrive
There'll be nowhere left to hide

Umm no. People hate the US and will still hate the US even if they house Refugees.
Do you have literally any source to back that up that ISN'T anecdotal or the Philippines? Foreign relations isn't that simple. You can't just say "No it won't have any effect because this is how I perceive US foreign relations."

You're delusional if you think it's only 25,000 coming here. It's never just 25,000
I said that's the cost for 25,000. I never said how many were coming.

Yes ipquarx, a small drop in the bucket of the nearly 20 trillion debt.
And social security makes up over a trillion dollars (Over FIVE HUNDRED TIMES THE COST) of that. Want to abolish that too? The point is, that's a tiny amount that can be easily paid for by cutting a tiny bit of spending in other areas where we're spending too much, and even if it does go to the national debt it's absolutely insignificant in comparison to actual domestic spending.

Do you have literally any source to back that up that ISN'T anecdotal or the Philippines? Foreign relations isn't that simple. You can't just say "No it won't have any effect because this is how I perceive US foreign relations."

monday whats this then?
I'm not talking about the middle east necessarily, but other countries in general. If they see us playing nice, they'll be more willing to play nice in return. That's just foreign relations 101.

I don't see any sources here. Wheres the evidence that they'll support US in their time of need because they house refugees?


And social security makes up over a trillion dollars (Over FIVE HUNDRED TIMES THE COST) of that. Want to abolish that too? The point is, that's a tiny amount that can be easily paid for by cutting a tiny bit of spending in other areas where we're spending too much, and even if it does go to the national debt it's absolutely insignificant in comparison to actual domestic spending.

America's first priority should be dealing with internal affairs. That includes government spending. Take care of your own before you open the door.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 09:08:30 PM by beachbum111111 »

You're delusional if you think it's only 25,000 coming here. It's never just 25,000
As long as they're properly vetted (which under current guidelines, they are), I have no complaints. Increasing human capital increases economic growth, and I don't have any sort of moral objections to living next to Syrians.

I have no complaints. Increasing human capital increases economic growth

But they arent. 91 percent receive food stamps and 68 percent receive cash assistance.

But they arent. 91 percent receive food stamps and 68 percent receive cash assistance.
They are new arrivals who have yet to integrate with our workforce - of course they're receiving assistance right now. But it's basically established fact in economics that immigration produces economic growth.

Also, take note of the fact that the price for one refugee is only ~$60,000. The US nominal GDP per capita is around $53,000, meaning that the average person in our country adds $53,000 worth of economic value in the labor that they do. Assuming one of these refugees works for 30 years, they have paid back $1,590,000 into our economy, which is an absolutely massive return on investment.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 07:31:23 PM by SeventhSandwich »

They are new arrivals who have yet to integrate with our workforce - of course they're receiving assistance right now. But it's basically established fact in economics that immigration produces economic growth.

Do you have proof of that though? http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/daniel-mitchell/sweden-proves-open-immigration-welfare-state-can-t-succeed

Do you have proof of that though? http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/daniel-mitchell/sweden-proves-open-immigration-welfare-state-can-t-succeed
The proof is that every migration wave in history is followed by a period of strong economic growth. You are concluding that these migrants will forever be a drain on society because they have yet to fully integrate in a couple of months. What you will see, in the long run, over the next decade or so, is a bump in economic growth which can be directly tied to the fact that their labor market has new access to human capital.