
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228563 times)

because no conservative on this website has had an actual argument with someone. nice to know

You don't do a very good job of refuting that. More than half of your posts are either sarcastic memes or using autism as an insult.

Except cnn literally spouts out wrong information.

Yeah, man, sensationalist news tends to do that.

Like, I get that you're 15, and you think that if you ignore the fact that basically everyone here from either side of the political spectrum unanimously agrees that VICE is bad journalism, and ask everyone who challenges you about it for examples of VICE blatantly lying to it's millions of subscribers, that that's how you win internet arguments or something. But it's kinda more complicated than asking everyone who disagrees with you to oust an entire media corporation singlehandedly lol.

I mean they support the Russia election hacking scandal, which even CNN admitted was a nothingburger. I'm not even sure what point you were trying to make with some handicapped VICE video in the first place. You could literally google Charlottesville, hit News, and find like 25 reputable sources that all support your dumb liberal bias without blatantly catering to it like VICE does.

You don't do a very good job of refuting that. More than half of your posts are either sarcastic memes or using autism as an insult.

making fun of you is fun and all but i do more than that

There were three. Can you not count?

The last article is nothing more than a regurgitation of information from the Cracked article who's trying to combat the Cracked's journalist's views based solely on opinions. Just like my two previous posts, the Cracked article seems to delve down into the mental aspect of a child enthusiast. Someone who's a child enthusiast may be off-putting, but what they're trying to propose is that, every problem has a cause of its own that can be discovered and solved.

The Cracked article is a great piece of writing in my opinion because it proposes this question: why don't we help the people who are in need the most? child enthusiasm is a mental matter and it can be solved, just like other mental issues. Then really, people with mental issues are normally treated as dirt in society. The same goes for drug users. Society should step up to help those who are in need of help. It's not too late. I'm not saying  that I support child enthusiasts, but there is certainly a way to help them get back on track.

people who want to forget kids should probably be treated like dirt. sorry to tell you

making fun of you is fun and all but i do more than that

Yeah, what? Make fun of / troll other people?

reminder child enthusiasm is one of the most degenerate special interestes / attractions out there

anyone who defends it should be put on a loving watch list

Holy stuff what is it with far left handicaps and child enthusiasm?

Yeah, what? Make fun of / troll other people?

Literally all you do is go "lol owned" and pretend that you're better then everyone else.

people who want to forget kids should probably be treated like dirt. sorry to tell you

So much for trying to propose another view. Also, you should read the articles to become more aware of the current topic. You just further fueled my point.

So much for trying to propose another view. Also, you should read the articles to become more aware of the current topic. You just further fueled my point.

that people who forget kids are awful? what?

Your mistake, and the major pitfall of most arguments you guys make, is you're operating off of moral outrage.
You cherry-picked the one moralized argument I made while completely ignoring the post on the adjacent page where I cited statistics and criteria from the DSM-IV. The vast majority of the things I post here aren't based on 'moral outrage'. You're projecting your complaints about liberals to me specifically, when I usually don't rely on that kind of argument.

No one is getting kicked out "For their gender identity", that's stupid, stop saying that.
The order says that anyone who identifies as a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth is compulsorily removed from military service. That's what it says. There's no counter-argument to be made here, you're just wrong lol

I said if you require meds to be constantly delivered to you, you shouldn't be in the military.
Plenty of transgender troops do not require meds to be constantly delivered to them. Plenty of transgender people don't want surgery or hormone treatment. If the idea was to cut military medical expenditures, then they sure caused a lot of collateral damage by expelling people who weren't receiving meds on taxpayer dollars.

But because the definition of Transgender has been so utterly ruined by people who wanna play pretend with their sense of self, we know equate people who simply state they are not the gender they say they are with people who transition to a different gender, which is dumb.
Yet that's exactly what you're doing by saying that Annoying Orange's transgender military ban is banning people who need 'medications', when it actually applies to all transgender troops in service.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 10:49:24 PM by SeventhSandwich »

So much for trying to propose another view. Also, you should read the articles to become more aware of the current topic. You just further fueled my point.

JBlitz do you like to forget children?

Holy stuff what is it with far left handicaps and child enthusiasm?

Literally all you do is go "lol owned" and pretend that you're better then everyone else.

Hilariously ironic.

JBlitz do you like to forget children?

No, why would you ask that?

JBlitz do you like to forget children?

wouldn't he be loving his own age group