
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229887 times)

lol at all the blue cuckmarks whining as usual


prohibitively expensive = not enough money to fund it
more expensive than it ought to be = price-gouging, but achievable
i think i might get what you mean then. i wasn't trying to recommend any kind of government action, i was just sayin that i think the biggest roadblock to any solution rn is the state of the US healthcare market. i don't know what the best solution to this is, but the private sector obviously hasn't sorted it out on its own thus far, and i don't necessarily trust that they will in the future either

looks like someone suffers from smol snake syndrome

Donald has a bigger one though since he isn't asian.

Donald has a bigger one though since he isn't asian.
so he'd hope you would believe

lol at all the blue cuckmarks whining as usual
I don't see why this kind of language from our highest official in the U.S. government is not legitimately frightening.

tweets are very scary dear

Would you accept what Annoying Orange said if it was spoken? Language is language, speech is speech. The medium doesn't change the contents of what Annoying Orange is actually spewing.

to be honest im not concerned about Annoying Orange at all seeing as he's proved to not be able to do anything significant
the only thing with what you're talking about acer that's realistically concerning is whether he's normalizing it and setting a bad precedent

Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Dumbasses....Ai Ai Ai...

I don't see why this kind of language from our highest official in the U.S. government is not legitimately frightening.

Are you literally shaking?

conventional wars suck dont make me go to real war please

l i t e r a l l y s h a k i n g