
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2230177 times)

can you feel the sunshine
liiighting up the waaaaay

reminder that the president can fire anyone for any reason they want
i know there's a 50% chance this is a troll but seriously consider what would have happened if Obama had attempted, even for a moment, to fire someone who was investigating him for potentially serious crimes

where's that badspot quote when you need it
this as well, just because he has the capability does not imply that he's above the law

reach out of the sunshine
lighting up the way
just think about the good times


I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep

reminder that the president can fire anyone for any reason they want

Yeah but if he fired Mueller at this stage he could charged for obstruction of justice
I think the Russia stuff is bull, but that'd be worse and attract more skepticism than keeping him

things are really going downhill

uncanny valley in full effect

That Adam's apple tho

just a friendly reminder that if you idiots turn this into a gender thing or transgender rights debate, we're going to end up with a convicted felon serving in the US senate

there are so many better reasons to not vote for this person besides their gender identity. if you guys try to frame the debate so that people vote on the issue of gender rights, then there's a chance she'll actually win
« Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 01:47:01 AM by SeventhSandwich »

he has no shot of winning anyway so

he has no shot of winning anyway so
go ahead and jinx it then you mother forgeter

he has no shot of winning anyway so

where have i heard this before