
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228220 times)

The only response you all have to facts is "yeah but no"

Reminder that Leisuresuit has never fired a gun in his life

You wanna bet

Reminder that Leisuresuit has never fired a gun in his life

i fird a nerf gun i count rite?

Hey hickok45 here, just on the range about to smoke some liberal mondays

*gives a light chuckle as he shoots*

*gives a light chuckle as he shoots*
well would ya look at that. There's one hiding behind the gong

If you knew about "the black market" you would also know that almost all gun crime is done using legally purchased weapons. Also that the amount of gun deaths would be significantly reduced if assault weapons were banned, as previously mentioned.

The vast majority of gun crime is committed with handguns. 3% of homocides were committed with rifles combined, which includes '''''''assault weapons''''''' which is really just scare mongering terminology for semi-automatic rifles that look scary if you don't know what you're talking about.

Remember when we banned '''''''assault weapons''''''' between 1994 and 2004? Can anybody tell me what effect that had on gun crime?

Remember when we banned '''''''assault weapons''''''' between 1994 and 2004? Can anybody tell me what effect that had on gun crime?

I technically have an assault weapon, are y'all afraid of my AR-15 with NY regulated 12 round magazine????

The only response you all have to facts is "yeah but no"

No it's because you're an idiot and refuse to address legitimate points that I have brought up. You are just another typical parasite that wants to work towards banning all guns because you have such a deluded perspective on reality that you don't understand that simple, bite sized solutions that an autistic 8 year old can fart out to a large complicated problem wont work and will make matters worse.

leisure are you arguing for a blanket gun ban or just limited access to assault weapons

please dont be the former

Who would want to ban blankets?

Who would want to ban blankets?

imperialists killed 100 gorrillion Indians with small pox infected blankets

Ban all blankets

Leisuresuit is pretty stupid but he did post some statistics. Beachbum please tell the audience what you think about these statistics? Are they fake? Are they stupid?

okay let me just splurge here:

- what the forget is an "assault weapon"? there is no solid legal definition, it varies across different regions
- mass shootings have consistently been on the decline over the years, much to your dismay
- the us does not have the most mass shootings in the world, being outmatched by yemen and even some countries in the european union
- AR-15 rifles are not "military" or "military-style" weapons, they are civilian rifles made by civilians for civilians for home defense, target shooting, etc. (NOT for mass shootings)
- there is no empirical evidence to back the claim that stricter gun control laws would reduce crime (look at vermont, among the loosest with gun laws and also less gun crime than a good amount of stricter states)
- gun control measures at large have NOT shown to be effective at curbing gun violence (look at chicago, detroit)
- the us does not have the highest violent crime rate in the industrialized world, again, being outmatched by countries like china and russia
- "gun deaths" include deaths by Self Delete, oops
- according to the FBI, guns save magnitudes more lives than they take, ranging from 200,000 to 3 million per year
- the second amendment DOES guarantee you the right to bear arms and the right to self preservation and that covers modern semi-automatic rifles made for civilians, just like it covered semi-automatic rifles like the belton flintlock back in the petticoat days
- the texas shooting last november that was being carried out by a wife-beater with an AR-15 who the government failed to catalog was STOPPED by a civilian ALSO with an AR-15 and the only way that could've been different is if you had enforced your stuffty little "assault weapons ban"
- the majority of mass shootings happen not because of not enough gun control, but because the government, like in texas, fails to catalog problem people and so they're able to legally get guns bypassing the restrictions already in place, and your idea is to give them MORE power? smart

did I miss anything