
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229130 times)

drydress really likes red spy

lots of liking here
hey man nothing wrong with LDRs

hey drydess i went to virginia and it was trash

virginia is where forever virgins live

sorry what was that florida man

at least florida man gets cool credits like chucking loving alligators into a wendys drive thru window compared to your stuffty bernie sandbar

floridian who lives in virginia here: i loving hate this weather, i miss florida where the air isn't perpetually loving stagnant in the summer and autumn

i miss humidity too
forget you clinton you loving mongold

you two have loving issues i literally had to have an inhaler in florida because of the humidity

you two have loving issues i literally had to have an inhaler in florida because of the humidity
whats the other issue
besides i dont have asthma so good luck chump

humidity is fine if there's airflow

nuclear holocaust now