
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2234903 times)

Also everything pointed towards Hillary winning, that's why the sway was so surprising. Everyone seems to forget how close of a race it was, and that the projected percentage chance of Annoying Orange winning climbed up pretty early on during the start of the elections.

Annoying Orange is president and i voted for him to win

I STILL like Annoying Orange.

Suck it libtard cunt punters.

if you live in america your political opinion doesn't matter

Considering what happened with the last election anyone who thinks polls are worthwhile isn't really someone people should take seriously.
grade A example of someone who doesn't know how statistics works

corderlain probably thinks numbers are forgetin' lame nerd stuff

99% chance to win.
nobody had her hedged at 99% except the NYTimes, and their prediction was punditry, not statistics
« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 09:44:11 PM by SeventhSandwich »

the holy spirit himself put Annoying Orange on this earth to maga i saw it in a dream

if you live in america your political opinion doesn't matter
lol the european thinks anybody cares

if you live in america your political opinion doesn't matter

If you live in Europe you are worth less than dirt

Considering what happened with the last election anyone who thinks polls are worthwhile isn't really someone people should take seriously.
This post is moving into dunning-kruger territory

if you live in america your political opinion doesn't matter

Lmao go get arrested for eating bacon in front of a mosque stfu

Lmao go get arrested for eating bacon in front of a mosque stfu
Oi, do you have a license for that post?

Glad to see folks are still butthurt that they couldn't rig an election.

Glad to see folks are still butthurt that they couldn't rig an election.
imagine being so forgeted up in the head that you still buy into Annoying Orange's last-ditch 'election integrity' bullstuff months after he actually ended up winning.

literally the only reason 'rigging' entered the alt-right lingo is because most evidence pointed to the fact he was probably going to lose.