
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2446619 times)

just what do you think the "life" part of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" means? cereal?

I'm guessing you also want universal basic income and minimum wage to be 20 bucks an hour as well

I'm guessing you also want universal basic income and minimum wage to be 20 bucks an hour as well
yall gonna need it when the robots do all the work

Wait what do you even do for work?

data entry. but im READY to be replaced bruh. im replacing my own damn self

what are we gonna do when the robots make our subway sandwiches

I mean everyone in McDonalds has already replaced most of their employees with Kiosks

when the robot revolution comes we're either all gonna starve and die or we're all gonna live in a utopia. get ready bitches

is this a serious question
only reason ULA exists is cause of launch contracts from DoD/NASA lol

the big difference is that SpaceX can be profitable without government contracts

when the robot revolution comes we're either all gonna starve and die or we're all gonna live in a utopia. get ready bitches

The reality is that the Self Delete rates are going to skyrocket once Universal Basic Income is implemented and most people lose their jobs. Utopias don't exist.

More like things will continue to stay kind of bleak as unemployment continues to steadily rise as more and more useless jobs are automated and the unskilled labor force begins to diminish. Unless the cost of higher education changes this means the skill gap will get even larger. Since there's a global income recession right around the corner I don't think this'll be that great for the american economy.

See also: a sharp increase of privileged middle-class white kids logging onto internet forum boards complaining about how much poor people stink

More like things will continue to stay kind of bleak as unemployment continues to steadily rise as more and more useless jobs are automated and the unskilled labor force begins to diminish. Unless the cost of higher education changes this means the skill gap will get even larger. Since there's a global income recession right around the corner I don't think this'll be that great for the american economy.

There aren't enough skilled jobs for the population tbh. And it's not like the industrial revolution where old jobs were replaced by the new. No new work will be made.

There aren't enough skilled jobs for the population tbh. And it's not like the industrial revolution where old jobs were replaced by the new. No new work will be made.

Yeah. There's really no easy answer to this issue. It might end up being the economical issue that defines the next couple generations.

The closest solution I can think of is to let your population decline like it is naturally. This idea that I see that if you don't import a large quantity of immigrants the country will collapse is silly (like we see here https://www.khaleejtimes.com/editorials-columns/refugees-can-make-up-for-europes-low-birth-rate)

This almost seems like a self solving issue to me. Of course then we get into the issues of supply vs demand and economic intricacies.

Considering there's people working day and night trying to keep this country together I doubt whatever ends up happening will be super dramatic. I'm more worried about the global recession about to hit.

The reality is that the Self Delete rates are going to skyrocket once Universal Basic Income is implemented and most people lose their jobs. Utopias don't exist.
increased automation could make food production significantly cheaper especially if people forget off with the anti-GMO stuff. food's one of the biggest problems, if not the biggest problem, for poor people, so with that out of the equation it would be that much easier for people to live on less and less money. UBI or not I don't really care, but it's completely feasible to decrease the cost of living. corporations just aren't gonna do it

I'm not some expert on this stuff but I can tell you it's not going to work out well if we just sit around and wait. some of that stuff, like transportation, is alarmingly close as it is. if you just wanna say "no, no automation" I guess that is in some capacity a solution, but I can't imagine it'd last long with corporate pressure. not to mention that you obviously wouldn't get any of the benefits of automation. just more of the same