
Is My friend being a pussy?

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128 (72.7%)

Total Members Voted: 178

Author Topic: I Smoked a Cigerette.  (Read 14213 times)

You should try meth. It's not as bad as people say. I'd stay away from heroin though.

"I don't see how its addicting"
I have a feeling that won't last soon

When you're saying "curiosity" you make it appear as if no one has smoked a single cigarette before. You've seen the ads, you know people die, you know what it does, that's not curiosity, it's foolishness.
you're acting like this topic is titled "So I started smoking", I didn't take up smoking, I simpily tried 1 single cigarette, and I will never try one again, not because "People on the internet said not to" Because I don't like it, I stand by that it was curiousity because I have always wandered what it tasted like, and I feel most of you on here are idiots, Because your calling me an idiot for doing a once in a lifetime thing, And not even admitting that you have been curious of dangerous things, Be it driving fast in a car, Smoking a cigarette, or skydiving, All of them have  risks and in the end you have gained nothing, (I'm not saying that I wouldn't go sky diving) its just you pick your poison. The literal thought in my head was "I wonder how it tastes", While yaw are acting like I was thinking "forget yeah, if I'm gonna die I will die of cancer!".
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 07:35:02 PM by SuperFlaminninja³ »

I feel most of you on here are idiots
insults totally help your argument

ok look buddy, skydiving is something people do for a thrill, it's exhilarating
there is nothing thrilling about smoking, if anything it's relaxing [citation needed], so your point makes no loving sense

insults totally help your argument

ok look buddy, skydiving is something people do for a thrill, it's exhilarating
there is nothing thrilling about smoking, if anything it's relaxing [citation needed], so your point makes no loving sense
well it pisses me off that people are calling me an idiot when I have literaly tested 1 cigarette,

insults totally help your argument
It really annoys me when people do this, just gonna put that out there.
OT: Honestly OP don't sweat it, most the people here are kids that have lived a sheltered life where they were taught by their parents that cigs are the devils work and they will kill you in a heartbeat. Honestly I feel like you're better off having tried one because you got to make the decision for yourself whether you like them or not, not just being told that you don't like them by other people.

It really annoys me when people do this, just gonna put that out there.
OT: Honestly OP don't sweat it, most the people here are kids that have lived a sheltered life where they were taught by their parents that cigs are the devils work and they will kill you in a heartbeat. Honestly I feel like you're better off having tried one because you got to make the decision for yourself whether you like them or not, not just being told that you don't like them by other people.
I've been on vacation for most of this thread and my only stance on it is that op shouldn't have acted so high and mighty about it

ok look buddy, skydiving is something people do for a thrill, it's exhilarating
there is nothing thrilling about smoking, if anything it's relaxing [citation needed], so your point makes no loving sense

If he was aware exactly what a cigarette would do to him, then he wouldn't have done it. He didn't do it for a thrill, he did it to see what it was like for himself. Even if he'd looked it up and educated himself, it's an innate human desire to want to experience things yourself. If you've never had soda, and none of your friends or family drink soda, then you probably know that soda is bad for you. However, if someone offers you a soda, you'll probably be curious what it's like, since other people enjoy it. Now, granted, cigarettes are worse for you than soda, but the same basic principle applies.

Finaly after 19 pages of people calling me an idiot.

It really annoys me when people do this, just gonna put that out there.
OT: Honestly OP don't sweat it, most the people here are kids that have lived a sheltered life where they were taught by their parents that cigs are the devils work and they will kill you in a heartbeat. Honestly I feel like you're better off having tried one because you got to make the decision for yourself whether you like them or not, not just being told that you don't like them by other people.

Exactly this. The OP made a decision from firsthand experience, and he made a decision that impacted him positively.  He asked a question about whether his friend was being unreasonable or not, and he accepted the advice from the more reasonable responses.  I personally think that he's handled the situation nicely.

This matter was resolved a few pages ago, though.

I can honestly say I've never had the desire to try a cigarette in my entire life
While I agree that trying things first hand can give you your own perspective, I've never felt that way about cigarettes

I can honestly say I've never had the desire to try a cigarette in my entire life
While I agree that trying things first hand can give you your own perspective, I've never felt that way about cigarettes
this, i dont understand why someone would try a cig because pretty much everyone I know has walked by someone smoking one and realized how gross they were, not needing to try them themselves after that. i guess one doesnt matter tho

this, i dont understand why someone would try a cig because pretty much everyone I know has walked by someone smoking one and realized how gross they were, not needing to try them themselves after that. i guess one doesnt matter tho
It's very comparable to trying different foods, like certain odd seafoods etc. It seems like people have been pushing a large stigma towards tobacco/cigarettes, for good reason don't get me wrong, but I don't feel like people should necessarily be shamed for trying/using them.

see it this way: there isnt ANYTHING that feels the same as a cigarette. maybe weed, but thats also so much stronger and SO much more expensive


this vine got me sweating dude holy stuff do i want to break my cold-turkey rn