Author Topic: I got a TV show deal with Adult Swim.  (Read 36582 times)

and then he starts thinking about kevin and then a brutal raping scene follows

except soda gets spilled everywhere and kevin escapes, using the spilled soda like a slip n slide.

people shouldnt stuff talk Adult Swim when they did all this
and ALSO rebooted loving samurai jack and toonami
That doesn't make any of the bad things on adult swim not bad.
Also, sometimes it feels like i'm one of the only people on the planet that doesn't care about Samurai Jack or Toonami.

I find it really hilarious that tony's second name is colon.
Because colon is sometimes used to refer to an star fish. And butts are funny.

That doesn't make any of the bad things on adult swim not bad.
Also, sometimes it feels like i'm one of the only people on the planet that doesn't care about samurai jack or toonami.
probably because u were either too young and missed it, or you have no taste

I find it really hilarious that tony's second name is colon.
Because colon is sometimes used to refer to an star fish. And butts are funny.

hey buddy can you tell me what this is

hey buddy can you tell me what this is
wow dude thats nsfw. reported!!!

I find it really hilarious that tony's second name is colon.
Because colon is sometimes used to refer to an star fish. And butts are funny.

The joke flew over your head so fast it went around into your star fish.

Colon almost means a punctuation mark.

Tony: He's good at climbing.

It's a running joke. Like this for example.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force colon Movie Film For Theaters

i really like the ad-libbing of rick any morty. you should try to incorporate that.

The joke flew over your head so fast it went around into your star fish.
Excuse me for not getting a running joke. Something something autism.
Now that i finally get the joke, i really don't think it's funny. Especially if it's a running joke.
Also, seriously, why do you keep double-posting? Why don't you just use the edit button?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 08:36:24 PM by Blockchip »

Excuse me for not getting a running joke. Something something autism.
Now that i finally get the joke, i really don't think it's a funny. Especially if it's a running joke.
Also, seriously, why do you keep double-posting? Why don't you just use the edit button?
its also, y'know, part of basic grammar.

Excuse me for not getting a running joke. Something something autism.
Now that i finally get the joke, i really don't think it's a funny. Especially if it's a running joke.

Blockchip your sense of humor and taste was made clear long ago.

It's not a laugh kind of haha funny joke. It's just a little jab at grammar. Stop making such a loving big deal out of it.

Of all things to be concerned about you're concerned about how a punctuation mark was spelled out.

lmao he thought it was your last name

its also, y'know, part of basic grammar.
I do know that. But the word's usage in the title looked to me like it was tony's second name. That's all there is to it. You're all blowing this way out of proportion, as seems to happen a lot when i make even a minor mistake.

Blockchip your sense of humor and taste was made clear long ago.
How come whenever you don't understand when i'm sarcastic or making a joke you say i'm bad at making jokes and sarcasm, but when I don't understand sarcasm or a joke you say that i'm bad at understanding them?
Of all things to be concerned about you're concerned about how a punctuation mark was spelled out.
Right. I'm the one making a big deal about it.
All I did was say "I don't consider it funny."
Of all things to be concerned about you're concerned about how a punctuation mark was spelled out.
Seriously, all i did was misunderstand a joke and now you're absolutely wailing on me.
I'm totally the one making too big a deal out of this.