
so hey how do u like school?

i love it
28 (11.2%)
it's aight
75 (30.1%)
146 (58.6%)

Total Members Voted: 249

Author Topic: night discussion topic i guess [night 1305]  (Read 2189596 times)

so i went to a hiring event at the aldi grocery store near me
i had so much trouble filling out the application because of my vision i need money for glasses forget stuff richards

did you get me anything at the grocery store

I didn't sleep last night until 4 AM. Now it's 7 AM and i'm literally dead.

so... how y'all doin 2nite
hope ur doin gr8 :)

I spent almost 7 hours straight trying to get my phone rooted and I just soft-bricked the motherforgeter

its an ice cream and chicken sandwich, its a special at some restaurant or something