
so hey how do u like school?

i love it
28 (11.2%)
it's aight
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146 (58.6%)

Total Members Voted: 249

Author Topic: night discussion topic i guess [night 1305]  (Read 2295342 times)

can you stop posting unfunny images here

i kinda wanna try my hand at making one

but I have 0 experience
its a lot easier than you might think, although it can be hard keeping track of what exactly to buy and how many things you need to buy. it can cost a pretty penny though so ye

I am willing to help if you need any if you ever do want to build a pc

haha good one now can yo ustop being an unfunny retar 24 loving seven good loving lord

captain crunch cereal is unhealthy and no one should eat it.

haha good one now can yo ustop being an unfunny retar 24 loving seven good loving lord
i'll stop when 1 person makes me

i'll stop when 1 person makes me
u say this like this is real life or something

[img ]http://www.clipular.com/c/6071595786043392.png?k=xdYs4W7B3jxqFyxN69TsMGz1Amw[/img]
Would doing this make you a candyass? 🤔

now now guys pls this is no place for bickering

vcd map in progress
ooo looks pretty neat so far, gl with it!

i'm just feeling kindaaa :(

i just realized how loving cute shellder is jfc

i'm just feeling kindaaa :(
hey man hope all is well.
feel free to message me later if you need to chat.