Author Topic: Path: Direct attempt to get Lord Tony banned, stuffposting, trolling.  (Read 25596 times)

path thinks he's so funny when he's stuffposting and making puns in the harvest topic
why do people that get harvested tend to post absolute nonsense and/or argue with lord tony nonstop?
plus posting ban bait should not be ok

Path: "I'm the victim. You guys are at fault here"

Path: "I'm the victim. You guys are at fault here"
More like: "You guys are throwing fits over pretty small bullstuff and it's making me laugh"

More like: "You guys are throwing fits over pretty small bullstuff and it's making me laugh"
trying to bait someone into getting banned is not "pretty small bullstuff". Even blocklandblockocity can figure that one out, and he doesn't know what the harvest is

More like: "You guys are throwing fits over pretty small bullstuff and it's making me laugh"
Trolling by spamming puns for a few days straight, acting like an ass in the harvest thread and baiting and stuff IS NOT "pretty small bullstuff." Stop bullstuffting Path, you are NOT innocent in this. You're in the loving wrong, not us.

More like: "You guys are throwing fits over pretty small bullstuff and it's making me laugh"

You know, I really like to assume that people are good when I first meet them, but even I agree that you need to btfo tony. You're part of the harvested that literally go onto every thread that Tony makes or posts in and completely derail it.

I thought the bake sale thing was funny at first, but you just took it way to far to the point where it wasn't even worth reading. It's complete bait.


what is the harvest?

group that tony made, has literally no power in anything but it marks people as "harvested" either for a joke, or because the users are generally problems in the forums


Tony made his bed, and he can sleep in it. He instigated people with the harvested list, sowing whatever seeds he's planted.

Now it's Harvest season. And it's time to reap his rewards.

And it's time to reap his rewards.
Honestly i'm here for his amazing Harvest Chocolate Cookies


Tony made his bed, and he can sleep in it. He instigated people with the harvested list, sowing whatever seeds he's planted.

Now it's Harvest season. And it's time to reap his rewards.
or, people can be mature about being banned from tony's treehouse and ignore him. if path had any kind of self control he would do this.


Tony made his bed, and he can sleep in it. He instigated people with the harvested list, sowing whatever seeds he's planted.

Now it's Harvest season. And it's time to reap his rewards.
LMAO you're as dumb as path

Maybe picking silly internet fights isn't the most productive way to go about your day, path. Might i recommend an alternative?

Maybe picking silly internet fights isn't the most productive way to go about your day, path. Might i recommend an alternative?
Honestly i'm here for his amazing Harvest Chocolate Cookies
People need to get this idea out of their head that i'm trying to start fights or bait people. I just want to know more about the harvest bake sale

People need to get this idea out of their head that i'm trying to start fights or bait people. I just want to know more about the harvest bake sale
Trolling by spamming puns for a few days straight, acting like an ass in the harvest thread and baiting and stuff IS NOT "pretty small bullstuff." Stop bullstuffting Path, you are NOT innocent in this. You're in the loving wrong, not us.
Path for forgets sake, stop bullstuffting.

People need to get this idea out of their head that i'm trying to start fights or bait people. I just want to know more about the harvest bake sale
Just make more people distrust you by continuously dodging the question with this little joke you got going on here
I'm sure it'll help you when you actually want to prove something to people