Author Topic: No Man's Sky Official Megathread  (Read 104126 times)

No, they let tons of info out about the game. Nobody knew what it was about because they did a stuffty explaining themselves through advertising.
I'm sorry? How is it not their fault that they allowed early footage of the game to get leaked that included a game breaking bug they should've fixed? It's not the tabloid's responsibility to censor themselves, it is your responsibility to keep that info under wraps.

You're acting like we should give them credit because they tried to pull off something ambitious and creative and failed. If that's the case, Jupiter Ascending is the best film of 2015.

>>lets blame the devs meme

It's not their fault that the handicapped side of the internet overhyped their game beyond reasonable expectations and then a slew of bad stuff happened to their (affably pretty good) game. Of course the default state is to stuff on the development team because obviously they wanted their game to come out buggy and horrible because they're bad people and deserve to be yelled at and harshly critiqued for things completely out of their control. Seriously, you have absolutely no idea how game development works and I'm assuming you're going to go right to the "You're not instantly stuffting all over everything so you obviously must be an asskissing fanboy" argument

With that said, you're making a lot of assertions about a game that hasn't been released yet. Have you seen the leaked content? It doesn't actually look half bad sans the game breaking glitch

It's not the tabloid's responsibility to censor themselves, it is your responsibility to keep that info under wraps.

Are you loving serious? This right here plainly shows you don't have a clue what you're talking about
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 02:36:39 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

You seem to think it's not their fault for letting content leak. Yea, it is. You're blaming the news for publishing leaked info when you should be blaming them for letting it get out--or don't blame anyone, because nobody should care about leaked info. If you don't want to see it, don't read it.

I don't think they are bad developers, I just think they've been doing a pretty appalling job recently. You're going to ridiculous links to avoid blaming them for something that was obviously their responsibility to prevent.

You're complaining that I'm making assertions about an unreleased game?! This entire topic is speculation! That's the point!

Are you loving serious? This right here plainly shows you don't have a clue what you're talking about
You think game developers should expect the news to censor themselves? Are you handicapped?

But keep telling me I don't know how game development works. You can't do any better, anyway.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 02:11:36 AM by McZealot »

r u saying u can lol
Yea, I can. I've been speculating on a game based on what I've seen while Ike sits there and throws a tantrum in my thread, saying that I can't speculate because I've never developed a videogame.

He has some delusion that I dislike these developers or something. I think he's scared that the game will suck so he becomes ultra-defensive whenever someone speaks poorly about it.

All I see is mczealot getting mad yet again because somebody disagrees with his horrible opinions

I think he's scared that the game will suck so he becomes ultra-defensive whenever someone speaks poorly about it.

fuuuck man I literally just said you would stoop to this argument, even on the same page

I can't honestly tell if he's even trolling or not, it's so ridiculous at this point
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 07:28:05 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

You can't do any better, anyway.
Since when did movie critics make movies?

On the topic of the censorship thing, zealot literally has no forgetin clue what he's talking about and it's hilarious.

I was talking about the accusations of "censorship" on reddit because the mods of the subreddit for no man's sky were cracking down on spoilers and reviews posted by people who obtained the leaked content. Their justification was that they didn't want people who were using the subreddit as news for development to get spoiled for a game that has been running on a "bare-minimum detail" advertisement campaign. When users found out that the mods were coordinating with the devs to keep leaks  from being posted on the subreddit, everyone flipped their stuff because they thought they were being censored. Some users even invoked the first amendment.

I was not mentioning news articles or tabloids because no news articles or tabloids were posting leaked info en masse. It never happened. You're just full of stuff like usual

You're going to ridiculous links to avoid blaming them for something that was obviously their responsibility to prevent.

I'm just saying the leaks weren't their fault? How is that "ridiculous links"? This is the sort of stuff argument that makes people dislike you, using this exaggerated language to make it look like the person you're arguing with is desperate or what have you. I'm not throwing a tantrum, I'm not a butthurt fanboy, I'm disagreeing with you on videogames. Stop being such a baby
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 07:45:19 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

I have no clue what I'm talking about? I've been on that sub for the last 13 months--and I'm guessing I know more about the situation than you, dude.

Are you seriously saying no articles have been revealing leaked info? Because that is objectively false. This was the first result when searching "No Man's Sky Leaks".

I've never called you a butthurt fanboy, you've built that up because you have no real arguments to attack. You throw your hands in the air and call me a baby because you think I'm angry over a videogame disagreement while the first thing you did upon entering the thread was tell me I'm a stuffty person.

Since when did movie critics make movies?
I'm not quite sure what you meant here. He's told me that my speculation is invalid because I don't develop games for a living, which is ridiculous.

I have no clue what I'm talking about? I've been on that sub for the last 13 months--and I'm guessing I know more about the situation than you, dude.

Considering that I was talking about the subreddit the whole time and you didn't pick up on it until I told you that's what I was referencing, I seriously doubt this. That whole thing was a mess and it's rather unfortunate that the developers got accused of censorship. But I'm not going to get into a hair-splitting contest of who knows more about the game with you because you can always just google info and then act like you knew it all along.

Are you seriously saying no articles have been revealing leaked info? Because that is objectively false. This was the first result when searching "No Man's Sky Leaks".

What I was saying is that posting leaked info on the subreddit was worse because people were looking there for information on development, not spoilers for the game, and that spoilers were being leaked faster through the subreddit than through articles considering reddit is a content aggregator

Are you going to take everything I say out of context now? Because that's going to get really stupid really quickly.

I've never called you a butthurt fanboy, you've built that up because you have no real arguments to attack. You throw your hands in the air and call me a baby because you think I'm angry over a videogame disagreement while the first thing you did upon entering the thread was tell me I'm a stuffty person.

You said I was getting defensive because I was afraid the game was going to suck, which is pretty much the same thing. First off, I was advocating against preordering or hyping the game since day one and I had clearly expressed my opinion on the game being too ambitious for it's own sake multiple times. I've never high hopes because getting excited for something I know the minimum of details about is stupid

Second, I didn't call you a stuffty person.
They got dealt a stuff hand and blaming them for something that isn't their fault is really stuffty of you.

From the get-go I've been saying that it's not the devs fault their game got leaked and that blaming them for information propagating is a stuffty thing to do. I didn't insult you until you started insulting me
You think game developers should expect the news to censor themselves? Are you handicapped?
Ike sits there and throws a tantrum in my thread
I think he's scared that the game will suck so he becomes ultra-defensive whenever someone speaks poorly about it.

You escalated it with personal attacks. I was trying to make a point and you started in with the name-calling, so I called you a baby for your statemetns. You think being called a baby is worse than being called handicapped?

I'm not quite sure what you meant here. He's told me that my speculation is invalid because I don't develop games for a living, which is ridiculous.

I said that blaming the developers isn't good when you don't know how development works. When developing games, you have to make sure that the game functions properly and with such a large-scale and ambitious game as No Man's Sky, it's going to need a metric forgetton of playtesting and a metric forgetton of playtesters. I don't think blaming them for trusting the wrong person with a build of their game is the correct thing to do, considering it's happened to multiple companies of varying sizes (forget, even Half Life 2 got leaked - that was some crazy stuff)

Your speculation isn't invalid, that's never what I was saying. In fact I never meant to imply that you shouldn't be speculating. I said that the blame shouldn't be laid on the developers for a leak, but I guess you can't argue without mudslinging and taking things out of context

edit: It's clear this argument is going to devolve into you namecalling and personally attacking me so I'm going to say that I've given my point as clearly and articulated as I can and if you disagree, then so be it. I don't wish to argue with you on this because it's just going to come down to arguing about development philosophy, and you obviously aren't clearly taking into account what I'm saying anyway.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 09:41:33 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

yo uh
i'm just gonna drink and visit some cool ass planets is that ok

I don't imagine we're gonna come to an agreement on this, so I'm just gonna touch on one thing you said.

edit: It's clear this argument is going to devolve into you namecalling and personally attacking me
I don't attack users during arguments much compared to most users here, so it's a pretty weird thing to bring up. It's especially rare that I am the first person to start throwing around insults in a discussion.

yo uh
i'm just gonna drink and visit some cool ass planets is that ok
what drinks will you have

I don't attack users during arguments much compared to most users here, so it's a pretty weird thing to bring up. It's especially rare that I am the first person to start throwing around insults in a discussion.

I still tried to make my point and you called me handicapped and said I was throwing a tantrum. Say what you will, but that was the least mature way to handle this discussion.

Actually, I re-read the thread and I completely misunderstood what you said earlier, so I'd like to apologize for that, especially calling you handicapped. You were completely right. I shouldn't have escalated the argument for sure, though I'm not sure if you can really act completely blameless--it's also very easy for someone to construe something innocent as aggressive when you post online, just due to the lack of body language.

So, while I'd still disagree on some completely superficial matters, I'd like to say I'm sorry because I misunderstood a few things you said and escalated the conflict when there was certainly no need to do so.