Author Topic: Embarrassing moments you've had in school (v???)  (Read 5263 times)

I usually sit by myself at lunch but sometimes random people like to come up to me randomly.

Well, this one time, this relatively big crowd started forming because one of my friends came over and then one of his friends and so on and so forth.

Well, I forget the circumstances, but the lunch that day was corndogs, and I guess I started choking on a bit, so someone sitting near me goes like:

(some guy): "You sure you can swallow that right?"

(me): "What? No, I think I swallowed it just fine."

(some guy): "You sure did."

It took several days before I understood all what they were laughing at me for because someone had to explain it to me bluntly. I'm still disappointed in myself to this day.

in elementary school i was sitting next to a kid at lunch who was doing the plastic spork catapult thing
he accidentally hit the vice principal and it took a while before they figured out it wasn't me
How does one even get in trouble for that any more

One time in 3rd grade I was going to ride my bike home (I literally lived a block away)

So I just got on my bike and was riding away when I heard somebody call my name, apparently my backpack was open and was about to spill stuff everywhere, I turned around to see who said it and in the 3 seconds my head was turned around I somehow veered right into a loving fence dividing the school from a sketchy neighborhood. I went down faster than tower 2 and smashed my face against an assload of rocks and sticks, which felt like getting kicked in the face.

Look where you're going when riding a bike kids

This was back in third grade
I actually managed to fall asleep in class for a total of one hour
I didnt even get in trouble too which was a bonus but this was pretty embaressing to me
i still beat myself up about it to this day

I had another embarrassing moment in the 1st grade.

It was recess and all the kids ran out of the classroom, me being the last one. I was trying to run to the swings as fast as I could. That's when I realized that my shoes were untied and I tripped over a lace. I faceplanted onto concrete and I had to go back to the class in so much pain.

I had another embarrassing moment in the 1st grade.

It was recess and all the kids ran out of the classroom, me being the last one. I was trying to run to the swings as fast as I could. That's when I realized that my shoes were untied and I tripped over a lace. I faceplanted onto concrete and I had to go back to the class in so much pain.
not really embarassing but similar short story:
i tripped over a tuba in the middle of wind ensemble practice but managed to catch myself before my face hit the ground
how can one trip over such a large instrument i mean it was right loving there

Teacher was calling out our names and when we got called up we had to go up to his desk, get a test paper or something, and go sit back down.

For some reason when I was going back to my seat I was looking down at the paper, I managed to walk to the wrong seat, specifically to the desk in-front of me. Accidentally sat in some chick's lap and she started freaking out lmfao

Teacher was calling out our names and when we got called up we had to go up to his desk, get a test paper or something, and go sit back down.

For some reason when I was going back to my seat I was looking down at the paper, I managed to walk to the wrong seat, specifically to the desk in-front of me. Accidentally sat in some chick's lap and she started freaking out lmfao
Omg lmfao

my entire early childhood was humiliation do i really have to type it out

Teacher was calling out our names and when we got called up we had to go up to his desk, get a test paper or something, and go sit back down.

For some reason when I was going back to my seat I was looking down at the paper, I managed to walk to the wrong seat, specifically to the desk in-front of me. Accidentally sat in some chick's lap and she started freaking out lmfao
Did you enjoy it

In sixth grade I had to piss. So did the teacher and when she said she had to excuse herself I said "may I join you?" Instead of like, "can I also go to the bathroom?"

In sixth grade I had to piss. So did the teacher and when she said she had to excuse herself I said "may I join you?" Instead of like, "can I also go to the bathroom?"

I was outside at recess last year in 8th grade and two of my friends were playing with a ball, so i ran past and snatched it. Jokingly one of them told one girl that nobody really talked to, she was usually drawing, to come chase me and get the ball. Now she was running faster than me and i was wearing a hoodie as it was cold, when she got close i threw the ball away to make her hopefully stop chasing me, but it didn't work and when she god close enough she grabbed my hoodie and we both fell.

she was fine but i had to go home and rest for about a week because i banged my head on the concrete and nearly got a concussion and had a small cut or gash on the upper left side of my pelvis that hurt like a bitch and was bleeding non stop, i still have a scar from it and its been 5 months now. The worst part is that when i was clearly hurt and ready to pass out from the fall two kids just stood there and laughed at me and made me feel like total crap.