Author Topic: [NEWS] local blocklander gets triggered by [NEWS] tag  (Read 7076 times)

Who would specifically search for news threads on the blockland forums though? If anything the news tag warns people not to visit that topic.
i guess i'm an idiot then

Who would specifically search for news threads on the blockland forums though? If anything the news tag warns people not to visit that topic.
anyone looking for news on the blf? id much rather look at the news here than anywhere else just because of how brown town people are about credible sources

and im way more inclined to actually read the news when theres a big [NEWS] beside it instead of skimming over it because i dont read every individual title on a page

I mean it's only really a problem by the starfishs who aren't posting worthy news threads but jairo isn't one of those starfishs, no idea why you included his thread

I mean it's only really a problem by the starfishs who aren't posting worthy news threads but jairo isn't one of those starfishs, no idea why you included his thread
just picked topics that had [news] in them on the first 2 pages

problem: there are 14 stupid drama threads
solution: we need to complain about these drama threads in one drama thread
problem: there are 15 stupid drama threads

is this a contradiction you're making to your own topic

i don't complain or bitch about the NEWS tag because as like the others i'm interested in reading some political/news-y stuff, and the tag itself is not as bothering as the ones keemstar makes every single one of his own titles

it's completely subjective to consider what is news and what isn't news though, at least in my viewpoint. if you're one of the guys that just stuff on news threads saying "THIS IS NOT NEWS DUMBASS" or you've already seen it then who the forget are you to speak for the forums of what's 'new' and what isn't?

this may be an exception for obviously dumb and stupid news and common sense has already gone through to that point

the only complaint i see valid is if the person isn't giving any sources or the people are being cunts in their own topics

the middle ground here is that there's different types of news, and nobody gets to decide what is and what isn't news

the middle ground here is that there's different types of news, and nobody gets to decide what is and what isn't news

this 100% low key

is this a contradiction you're making to your own topic
in case you didn't see there's [NEWS] in the topic title
i know this is a trivial/dumb thing to get bootyblasted about but i felt i needed to voice my concern
and this here

...what am I doing here?
he's picking up anything he can find off the floor and using it as evidence

i don't complain or bitch about the NEWS tag because as like the others i'm interested in reading some political/news-y stuff, and the tag itself is not as bothering as the ones keemstar makes every single one of his own titles

it's completely subjective to consider what is news and what isn't news though, at least in my viewpoint. if you're one of the guys that just stuff on news threads saying "THIS IS NOT NEWS DUMBASS" or you've already seen it then who the forget are you to speak for the forums of what's 'new' and what isn't?

this may be an exception for obviously dumb and stupid news and common sense has already gone through to that point

the only complaint i see valid is if the person isn't giving any sources or the people are being cunts in their own topics
here's the thing:
i'm not trying to rule out what's considered news or not and infact i'm saying that's why we shouldn't use the news tag
people can figure out easily (usually from the topic title) if something is news or not but by having the [NEWS] tag on anything from let's say like "[NEWS] pistachios are now for sale on pistachiosxxx.web" or "[NEWS] my pet gerbil died" then it's just loving stupid and cheapens what could actually be considered news
that's why i don't think people should use the news tag
...what am I doing here?
your topic had [NEWS] in it on the first or second page and i linked it there

here's the thing:
i'm not trying to rule out what's considered news or not and infact i'm saying that's why we shouldn't use the news tag

i believe people should have the freedom to categorize what their topic will be no matter how obvious it seems when you first read it

people can figure out easily (usually from the topic title) if something is news or not but by having the [NEWS] tag on anything from let's say like "[NEWS] pistachios are now for sale on pistachiosxxx.web" or "[NEWS] my pet gerbil died" then it's just loving stupid and cheapens what could actually be considered news

did we ever have any of those kinds of "news" topics before because honestly i haven't seen one for the first part and i check off-topic everyday

in case you didn't see there's [NEWS] in the topic title

i was asking that question because the argument can go against everything you said on your thread and your reason to making it regardless if it's your opinion/joke or not

i believe people should have the freedom to categorize what their topic will be no matter how obvious it seems when you first read it
but if it isn't actual news (blah blah who gets to decide news shut it blah) then why should they be tagging it [news]?
did we ever have any of those kinds of "news" topics before because honestly i haven't seen one for the first part and i check off-topic everyday
tony's posted a few of 'em
i was asking that question because the argument can go against everything you said on your thread and your reason to making it regardless if it's your opinion/joke or not
how so? i even said that this is trivial and the topic is only to voice my concern/complain.

but if it isn't actual news (blah blah who gets to decide news shut it blah) then why should they be tagging it [news]?
and to elaborate upon this:
the real problem i have with the news tag is tagging stuff that is obvious news (thus not needing the news tag) and people tagging stuff that's not news as news
there's no real use for the news tag aside from grabbing attention (which it will already do if you're interested in the subject beforehand)

but if it isn't actual news (blah blah who gets to decide news shut it blah) then why should they be tagging it [news]?

if it's not actual news and the op has suddenly used '[news]' then drama the person for using it wrongly or stuffposting news topics? i'm not saying that if you're not okay with making stuffty topics that are somehow 'news' then you're an starfish to consider what's news or what isn't, in fact i think that is actually a valid drama.

tony's posted a few of 'em

then why make the drama direct to tony's bad usage of [news] and make garbage news topics or any other idiot who does it? why target your opinion to the news tag and the news topics in general?

and to elaborate upon this:
the real problem i have with the news tag is tagging stuff that is obvious news (thus not needing the news tag) and people tagging stuff that's not news as news

refer to what i said about obvious news subjects at my first post