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Total Members Voted: 221

Author Topic: New Years 2017 --- New record: 188 players (186 unique) Badspot actually vaped  (Read 79860 times)

Another thing - we do this in our spare time for free just for you guys to enjoy. We don't get anything out of it except the good feeling you get when other people enjoy your work. How would you feel if some dude joins your year long project for a couple minutes, walks around without trying the various unique minigames readily available and then posts on the topic how boring and underwhelming it all was?

You didn't give any actionable criticism either. It's "Boring", how do you work with that? There are a large amount of things to do and see around the map, and yet you still apparently couldn't find a reason to stick around. Why?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 06:17:02 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

There are a large amount of things to do and see around the map, and yet you still apparently couldn't find a reason to stick around. Why?
well first of all the alt-right/national socialist stuff that's constantly being spewed on the server is a big turn-off

Are all the treasure chests accessible?

well first of all the alt-right/national socialist stuff that's constantly being spewed on the server is a big turn-off

Blame Dren Dran for that stuff.

it's a nice thing to happen every year, people meet up and blockland gains a spike in players during the night
there's more things to do than last year (i believe all you could do the previous year was listen to the sikk tunes near the stage)

my problem with the server is when one of the admins unleashes a bomb into a crowd of players and kills everyone; resulting in a lag spike and a spawn trap being made (player collisions).

well first of all the alt-right/national socialist stuff that's constantly being spewed on the server is a big turn-off
Go forget yourself you filthy commie.

How would you feel if some dude joins your year long project for a couple minutes, walks around without trying the various unique minigames readily available and then posts on the topic how boring and underwhelming it all was?
Only mildly disappointed, if there were 150 other people enjoying it.
You didn't give any actionable criticism either. It's "Boring", how do you work with that?
Not sure. It was more of an opinion than a criticism.
There are a large amount of things to do and see around the map, and yet you still apparently couldn't find a reason to stick around. Why?
I couldn't really find much to do.
The minigames I saw were the virtual reality deathmatch which got a bit frustrating considering I spawned outside the arcade every time I died, the slot machine which was almost always being hogged and seemed like a time waster considering there were over 500 more "tries" than "wins", and 0 total jackpots, and the like button, which never really interested me.

And I saw 2 types of VIP events: Boxing and some race thing
The boxing was annoying because 15 people were constantly spraying rainbow into the arena, which made it impossible to fight.
...And I could never sign up for the racing in time. The first time was pretty cool to watch, but the second one took over 30 rounds and I left before it ever ended.

The rest of the map I had already completely? explored. It was mostly just spots to hang out at, free items I've already seen, and non-interactive secrets. The most interesting part of the map was bed, bath, & beyond.

All of that, along with
all the alt-right/national socialist stuff that's constantly being spewed on the server
and no more than 20 fps at all times, made me get tired of it all and leave.

This might be the longest non-pasted post I've ever made
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 07:15:11 PM by TableSalt »

was boring and how do you get vip again?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 09:23:59 PM by cooolguy32 »

To be honest, there isn't much to do besides talk and half of the time the chat moves at like 45 mph. But for some reason I can't stop playing..... in all seriousness tho the build is really nice

well, if you didn't like his review, perhaps you'll enjoy mine a bit more. it's a lot more specific in criticism.

i actually really liked this server. the subway entrance probably wasn't as cool as it seemed in their head (dramatic entrances usually aren't) but the open space was pretty sweet because you could view everyone and the snow was totally gorgeous. it felt a little bit empty like the map wasn't flushed out (it could've had more parody shops and stuff). I looked at a few minigames and liked them but I thought they were a little hard to find and didn't hold interest long. I'd recommend spawning people near random minigames or something to increase their usage. that clock was really awesome, and I didn't bother to download the music but it's usually great too. There was no real point to the server--but that's not bad, so long as something holds your attention, which nothing really did. I'd be content to go into a chamber and play falling tiles or spleef for 30 minutes, but I didn't see anywhere to do that if it was there. I imagine most people don't stay for a particularly long amount of time--or if they do, they are AFK.

I couldn't even 'hang out' and chat since the chat was so bad. the main area it drops in is the administration. immediately after spawning I got shot to death, and then had to rewalk all the way back to where I was. I actually ended up crashing since some jackass caused an explosion that killed me and a ton of people and ended up freezing my game. I didn't go back. the chat is absolutely cancerous, flooded with tribal/loveist/fascist/stupid stuff nonstop and utterly unusable for any sort of actual purpose. I'd recommend the admins start mass passing out temporary mutes (like 15 minutes) to spamming users. You guys can't expect the server to be totally automated. I'd honestly be pretty pissed if I worked on this server in advance only for my fellow hosts to lead it into that sort of condition.

It might have been nice if the admins used the chat to cause fun. One of the most popular things on Halloweenfest was just an admin screaming that they were gonna drive a flying jeep through the map and everyone should grapple on. we'd get like 30 people danging from a flying jeep as it soared through the sky and everyone had fun. If you don't want to be that involved, you could even host a dueling tournament where people who sign up in advance could fight. Maybe an audience could place bets or throw stunning snowballs in at the contestants. I'd also recommend fleshing out the minigames and making them more visible, like a falling tiles chamber in the middle of the map or a spleef arena people can jump into at intervals.

So, good server, bad admins. Really cool to see so many people together and the atmosphere was nice. I was only on for like 20 minutes but I'd probably be really bored if I stayed any longer. Overall I'd give it an 7.5/10.


I couldn't agree more, but the whole VIP thing felt kind of unfair to me. For example, Sugar got it because she has autism. Like, that isn't fair at all. I think next time you should just get rid of it completely

honestly i see no problem with the server at all
everything just seems great and i mean im used to the chat so i really dont mind it at all, and i found the random explosions funny (also not to mention you were p much given a warning in chat saying someone smuggled a bomb or whatever so if you dont want to get killed just back away or something). i really like the various events and such and i think it just made a great server. yes, there are things to do, the whole idea is to socialize and play in events and such
i dont see any issues with vip, its just a little thing. it doesnt prevent you from enjoying the server to its full extent
tl;dr imo i dont see any issues with the server, its just a little thing for the blockland community that had a lot of thought and effort put into it for a long while. i dont see issues with the chat, the explosions, the events being "boring", the vip system, etc. it all went together nicely and im happy about that because these events bring our community together in a great and fun way
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 07:58:33 PM by Mr Queeba »

There is a bit of chest hunting in there but then there is really not much else to do IMO. I got bored and left early since I had celebrated New Years' in my country anyway. I got six chests before you ask.

It was me the whole time. I am the bad admin. I created the entire server. I did the loops. DrenDran is a censoring national socialist who is hiding my contributions to the server. I demand this server to be shut down this instant.
Another thing - we do this in our spare time for free just for you guys to enjoy. We don't get anything out of it except the good feeling you get when other people enjoy your work. How would you feel if some dude joins your year long project for a couple minutes, walks around without trying the various unique minigames readily available and then posts on the topic how boring and underwhelming it all was?

You didn't give any actionable criticism either. It's "Boring", how do you work with that? There are a large amount of things to do and see around the map, and yet you still apparently couldn't find a reason to stick around. Why?
welcome to how i felt

« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 08:03:44 PM by Block Aloni »