Author Topic: Ravencroft, Part 2: Speedhacking for an advantage with undeniable evidence  (Read 55758 times)

Everyone in Nigerian Cunts can attest to metario doing this, Betelgeuse asked Metario for a key for raven, and he gave it to raven soon after. We don't have steam logs saved otherwise we would show them here. Badspot you're welcome to PM me if you need any more info on this because ravencroft is obviously BOS

We don't have steam logs saved otherwise we would show them here
i do
and i have chatlogs
01/11/17 21:42:38   Betelgeuse   53670   any of you selling keys with discount or some stuff
01/11/17 21:42:41   just:center   51892   um
01/11/17 21:42:44   just:center   51892   depends
01/11/17 21:42:47   -   -1   Click music bricks to change the music!
01/11/17 21:42:49   just:center   51892   revokedd oor non revoked
01/11/17 21:42:49   Betelgeuse   53670   do you have some right
01/11/17 21:42:54   -   -1   <bitmap:add-ons/Weapon_MadmanFists/Fists/Fists_CI> Piiec
01/11/17 21:42:59   Betelgeuse   53670   how much do you sell the non revoked for
01/11/17 21:43:08   Betelgeuse   53670   don cut me out
01/11/17 21:43:08   -   -1   Your system has open ends, they have been highlighted!
01/11/17 21:43:10   just:center   51892   mm
01/11/17 21:43:11   Betelgeuse   53670   talk the deal
01/11/17 21:43:17   -   -1   Get <>this BL mod</a> to watch videos together in our cinema!</a>
01/11/17 21:43:23   Betelgeuse   53670   you have me on steam right we talk this out
01/11/17 21:43:25   just:center   51892   forum Self Delete?
01/11/17 21:43:32   Betelgeuse   53670   no blf is boring as hell
01/11/17 21:43:37   just:center   51892   wat4 then
01/11/17 21:43:40   -   -1   Your system has open ends, they have been highlighted!
01/11/17 21:43:47   -   -1   Type /box to box others.
01/11/17 21:43:48   Betelgeuse   53670   more keys
01/11/17 21:43:59   -   -1   Your system has open ends, they have been highlighted!
01/11/17 21:44:16   -   -1   The government has given people a small stipend.
01/11/17 21:44:17   -   -1   The discord for this server is: <></a></a>
01/11/17 21:44:23   -   -1   Pah1023 connected.
01/11/17 21:44:27   Betelgeuse   53670   hurry up im making a deal with someone else too
01/11/17 21:44:32   -   -1   Betelgeuse spawned.
01/11/17 21:44:34   just:center   51892   um
01/11/17 21:44:44   just:center   51892   rn none
01/11/17 21:44:47   -   -1   Type /printer for a printer!
01/11/17 21:44:47   just:center   51892   theyd all be amzn keys
01/11/17 21:44:49   Betelgeuse   53670   6 for the ke?
01/11/17 21:44:50   Clockworker   113407   Where the heck is the cart
01/11/17 21:44:57   Betelgeuse   53670   thats enough to buy 5 dollars games
01/11/17 21:44:59   just:center   51892   smh you're gettin ripped
01/11/17 21:45:03   just:center   51892   if you pay 6$ for key
01/11/17 21:45:03   Betelgeuse   53670   how?
01/11/17 21:45:10   just:center   51892   they were 5$ on amazon a few weeks ago
01/11/17 21:45:12   Betelgeuse   53670   then make the loving offer
01/11/17 21:45:17   -   -1   For your first lot find a flashing 16x16 plate and build on it to claim it!
01/11/17 21:45:27   just:center   51892   hol up
01/11/17 21:45:32   Betelgeuse   53670   omg what
01/11/17 21:45:37   just:center   51892   im fine with
01/11/17 21:45:39   just:center   51892   4$
01/11/17 21:45:47   Betelgeuse   53670   um ok then lets do that
01/11/17 21:45:47   -   -1   You can create your own team with /createteam <name> Invite people to it with /invite <player>
01/11/17 21:45:48   -   -1   Clockworker has left the game.
01/11/17 21:45:55   just:center   51892   pst me on richardscord
01/11/17 21:45:56   -   -1   Pah1023 spawned.
01/11/17 21:46:00   Betelgeuse   53670   why dicord
01/11/17 21:46:04   Betelgeuse   53670   steam
01/11/17 21:46:09   just:center   51892   you dont have me on steam
01/11/17 21:46:12   Betelgeuse   53670   link now
01/11/17 21:46:18   -   -1   You can use /buylot to buy a lot after you claim your first one.
01/11/17 21:46:23   just:center   51892   um
01/11/17 21:46:28   just:center   51892   <></a>
01/11/17 21:46:29   Piiec   214584   anybody know what happened to SapphireServer's Midieval roleplay?
01/11/17 21:46:30   Betelgeuse   53670   monday ill get the link fo
01/11/17 21:46:30   Betelgeuse   53670   oh
01/11/17 21:46:48   -   -1   Only members of the same team can use and build on each others bricks.
01/11/17 21:47:17   -   -1   The government has given people a small stipend.
01/11/17 21:47:18   -   -1   If you join the game more than once, your other players will spawn as cows.
01/11/17 21:47:31   Conan   4928   jc
01/11/17 21:47:34   just:center   51892   wat
01/11/17 21:47:48   -   -1   Click music bricks to change the music!
01/11/17 21:48:18   -   -1   Get <>this BL mod</a> to watch videos together in our cinema!</a>
01/11/17 21:48:29   Betelgeuse   53670   i cant find you on steam friend so just ctrl f betel
01/11/17 21:48:33   Betelgeuse   53670   youll see my cok
01/11/17 21:48:48   -   -1   Type /box to box others.
01/11/17 21:49:18   -   -1   The discord for this server is: <></a></a>
Stop trying to accuse me of things I didn't do lmao

Everyone in Nigerian Cunts can attest to metario doing this, Betelgeuse asked Metario for a key for raven, and he gave it to raven soon after. We don't have steam logs saved otherwise we would show them here. Badspot you're welcome to PM me if you need any more info on this because ravencroft is obviously BOS
Want more proof? You're welcome to PM me for the full chat-logs and the unredacted steam logs.

why are you posting screenshots of selling the key basically admitting to it lol
i mean you sold it to betel which is probably worse than selling it to ravencroft buddy

i really like these images

why are you posting screenshots of selling the key basically admitting to it lol
i mean you sold it to betel which is probably worse than selling it to ravencroft buddy
Metario don't act like you're all high and mighty here considering you gave ravencroft the key? Doesn't that mean you should be deactivated?
Everyone in Nigerian Cunts can attest to metario doing this, Betelgeuse asked Metario for a key for raven, and he gave it to raven soon after.
I am incredibly confused.

i really like these images
Have I not made it clear that 10296 has, and always, will be my alternate key? I thought with, you know, all of the posts on my banned account that it'd be pretty obvious to you that 51892 and 10296 are my keys. Lmao.

you are just:center, you gave betel a key, he gave it to ravencroft
you try to expose ravencroft but you gave betel a key

so you're like "no i didn't give betel a key" which is what you were accused of
so what you do is post the evidence showing that you have betel the key

thank you metario

so you're like "no i didn't give betel a key" which is what you were accused of
so what you do is post the evidence showing that you have betel the key

thank you metario
forgetin fat fingers

jesus metario i hope you never rob a bank

If I am getting this right, people are saying that Metario give Betel the key, knowing it would be going to ravencroft.
From the chat log he posted (and of which I had at the time too), he never once mentioned that it would go to raven.
So it just seems like the nc clan is pushing the blame on Metario for giving betel the key, which betel than gave to raven, instead of betel being the one who should be in trouble here.

If I am getting this right, people are saying that Metario give Betel the key, knowing it would be going to ravencroft.
From the chat log he posted (and of which I had at the time too), he never once mentioned that it would go to raven.
So it just seems like the nc clan is pushing the blame on Metario for giving betel the key, which betel than gave to raven, instead of betel being the one who should be in trouble here.

giving anyone a key is revokeable

giving keys out to people that are BOS is against TOS i think 

no giving out keys is breaking tos period doesn't matter if they're bos

no giving out keys is breaking tos period doesn't matter if they're bos
this is what i meant