Author Topic: dr_pepper/Outland predator. Supreme handicap.  (Read 25136 times)

real talk: does this forum legitimately cause stress / anxiety in you guys' lives

A website should not be giving you stress. If it is stop going onto it. It's that simple.

If you're someone who uses the BLF to escape life, it can have varying effects
yeah, it's like drugs.

(((serious biz)))
I was going to post that song anyways because its been getting stuck in my head recently.

yeah, it's like drugs.

A really stuffty drug that you can quit at any time

A website should not be giving you stress. If it is stop going onto it. It's that simple.

my post is a rhetorical question btw im not using myself as example.
I was going to post that song anyways because its been getting stuck in my head recently.
listen to this if you want to become cheer up

A website should not be giving you stress. If it is stop going onto it. It's that simple.
A really stuffty drug that you can quit at any time
it's real easy to say "just stop going to it"
a lot of people have an emotional attachment to this forum and the people on it and it's really, really hard to stop visiting them or this is their only social life that they have

it's real easy to say "just stop going to it"

Because it is

There's nobody forcing you to type blf into your search bar

it's real easy to say "just stop going to it"
a lot of people have an emotional attachment to this forum and the people on it and it's really, really hard to stop visiting them or this is their only social life that they have
Yeah, I've even attempted to take a break from the forums, but I always would come back like a day or even hour later. I actually stopped posting, but that was for like a week or 3 days.

Because it is

There's nobody forcing you to type blf into your search bar
your mind can force you to a lot of stuff you know you don't want to

it's real easy to say "just stop going to it"
a lot of people have an emotional attachment to this forum and the people on it and it's really, really hard to stop visiting them or this is their only social life that they have

You can have emotional attachments and still get off of it. Nothing is stopping anyone from not visiting it anymore. And if this is their only social life they have, there hundreds of better websites to do it than here.

if this is the only social life people have the best thing to do is try to pick up social ques and use the forums as a tool to learn how to interact with other people normally.

having this place as your only outlet is super unhealthy considering how rarely interaction applicable to real life goes on.

your mind can force you to a lot of stuff you know you don't want to

That's your own problem

remember the good ol' times when we used to say "you can never leave"