Author Topic: R.I.P. Jon "Jontron" Jafari, 1990 - 2017  (Read 31115 times)

oh no he's politically incorrect
I think defending European colonialism wanders just a little bit outside the border of political incorrectness tbh

I think defending European colonialism wanders just a little bit outside the border of political incorrectness tbh
I mean I wouldn't be here without it so . . .

I mean I wouldn't be here without it so . . .
I don't think the argument against European colonialism is "yo we should build a time-machine and prevent it," but rather, "we shouldn't do that again."

Basically every facet of my existence, from where I live to where I attend school, to the people in my family - boils down to the fact that the Holocaust happened. Doesn't mean I think it was good.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 06:09:29 PM by SeventhSandwich »

I think defending European colonialism wanders just a little bit outside the border of political incorrectness tbh
yeah this dude literally is comparing modern immigrants to the south african and north american colonization's in an effort to defend white america losing their "demographic majority". theres saying something slightly disagreeable, and then theres being flat out handicapped lol

No one disproves the ignorant for the ignorance, the ignorant are disproved so the confused, misinformed, or otherwise unadvised are given something to grasp for reference.
You can't beat a wall into submission, and you cant paint a door on a wall to walk through it, all you can do is reveal what's on the other side without going through.
this is an amazing post and i'm glad it exists

oh no he's politically incorrect i guess i can never watch his videos that have nothing to do with his political opinions anymore :(
he almost tried to defend colonialism

someone really needs to hand him a copy of Heart of Darkness

also, i think that, while his video content is completely separate and non-reliant on his political ideology, and it's totally fair to not give a stuff about him saying things like this so long as his content is still good, if someone decides they don't want to support him any more because they dislike his character, motives, etc. then that's perfectly reasonable too.

also, i think that, while his video content is completely separate and non-reliant on his political ideology, and it's totally fair to not give a stuff about him saying things like this so long as his content is still good, if someone decides they don't want to support him any more because they dislike his character, motives, etc. then that's perfectly reasonable too.


i disagree with jon on a political level but damn is his content good - as long as he doesn't bring his opinions into the videos, i'll still enjoy his content, it's not like he's very politically involved regardless

i've enjoyed 4chan for my fair share of 5 years and i don't agree with them politically whatsoever, i'd rather just have fun > shaming someone because of their views

also, i think that, while his video content is completely separate and non-reliant on his political ideology, and it's totally fair to not give a stuff about him saying things like this so long as his content is still good, if someone decides they don't want to support him any more because they dislike his character, motives, etc. then that's perfectly reasonable too.
Agreed. Divorcing someone's work from their personal character is completely fine. Otherwise nobody would listen to Wagner, since that dude was pretty much a pre-national socialist.

I like how people have nothing better to do than to complain and try to dismantle somebody over their bad opinions.
As long as the content is still good, I really dont care what he says.

No one disproves the ignorant for the ignorance, the ignorant are disproved so the confused, misinformed, or otherwise unadvised are given something to grasp for reference.
You can't beat a wall into submission, and you cant paint a door on a wall to walk through it, all you can do is reveal what's on the other side without going through.
when master matthew tries to be philosophical and fails

when master matthew tries to be philosophical and fails
You only fail, when you don't succeed.

Admittedly I personally don't really think his new videos are that funny or quotable as they were in the past ever since he changed to having a set and such, but that's just me. I haven't watched him since his Disney Bootlegs though, so I don't know.

You only fail, when you don't succeed.

well that certainly wasn't a success

You only fail, when you don't succeed.
you breathe, when you inhale and exhale air