
What course would you most like to see first/participate in most?

Modeling and animation
35 (39.8%)
General Scripting
45 (51.1%)
Datablock specific information (state system, emitter/projectile/explosion properties, image limitations, bots, etc)
7 (8%)
Other/Not listed (make a post)
1 (1.1%)

Total Members Voted: 82

Author Topic: Add-on Making Academy (Google Classroom details in OP, new poll)  (Read 28719 times)

how many of you are seriously interested in learning how to make mods, enough to put in the time to learn whatever necessary (probably 3 hours a week minimum)? just making this topic to poll the forums if there is any real interest

can't you make a google classroom now without an edu account, if so you should do something like that

i didnt even know that existed, this is an excellent idea. thanks for the suggestion, i've set up a classroom - if you want to join, the class code is fpk1yt.

so a more fleshed out list of topics
  • coding
    • basics n syntax n oop (2-4 lessons)
    • packages
    • dump and console controls (setlogmode, trace)
    • file i/o and export
    • script/sim objects/groups/sets and "typing" and defining functions for types
    • world objects creation (projectiles, players, vehicles, bricks, staticshapes, etc) (probably 2 lessons)
    • torque quirks (switch, while > for, | operator, * operator, % bugs; probably more)
    • basic vector math/code snippets for rotations and such
  • modeling
    • blender basics aka mesh manipulation and objects (assume 2.7# unless specifically stated 2.49b)
    • materials and uv mapping
    • empties and animation (2 lessons maybe)
    • dts exporting + dts layers + scaling for bl
    • blb creation/exporting/scaling and dts collisions
    • item/image exporting
    • model and datablock quirks (conflicting model names, etc)
    • playertypes animations (including vertex anims) and workflow (2.49b) (probably a set of 3 or 4 lessons including code)
  • practical code
    • state system
    • raycasts, box searches
    • reading bls files, blb files
    • player interface controls (manipulating inventory/brick inv/message/centerprint/bottomprint)
    • aiplayer functions and default bots functions??
    • addon examples/creation??

note that i left out guis and vehicle exporting. im not entirely sure how to do either of them, and would greatly appreciate help by people who know the ins and outs of them.

post topic suggestions that i missed or whatever
« Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 07:34:06 PM by Conan »

i think many are!
i am too, i can code but im so bad i have to abuse of ant and leetzero

im interested, but with exams spreading up to late june i don't think it can be a possibility

im interested, but with exams spreading up to late june i don't think it can be a possibility
it doesnt have to happen soon. i was thinking summer or weekends primarily, but summer is the more likely choice

forget yes
teach me please sensei

I'm dying to learn how to make add-ons.

Yeah, that would be great

I've always wanted to make some video tutorials on Blockland scripting.

Yes please.
I want to learn how to TorqueScript, because no tutorials on the web are useful enough to help me make add-ons, and I prefer text tutorials over video tutorials.
(Although I'll watch Crown's video tutorials.. :cookie:)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 11:44:22 AM by Keanu73 »

I want to but I open up blender and then stuff myself because I have no idea what anything does