Author Topic: Habitual problem user "patton360/Grimlock" gets banned, comes back with new alt  (Read 69768 times)

About that whole thing where I supposedly griefed his house, I don't remember doing anything like that. If I had done it, I apologize if I had. However, still, there's no concrete proof of me attacking minecraft servers - no logs or anything of any sort were provided, etc (however, remember that this stuff can easily be faked, as we've seen with the james drama). If I had griefed his house (which I'm pretty darn sure I didn't), it was multiple years ago, as it mentions that whole teamspeak thing which was from a good couple years from now. There have been no recent cases of me actually griefing minecraft servers, and who knows, it could just be a mere coincidence that I happened to see his house and then soon enough it was griefed. Patton is trying to incriminate me by using what someone said from an incident that, while it may have been posted this year, has actually happened a very long time ago. Patton is simply trying to make the drama backfire straight against me, so he gets away with what he's doing to make me seem like the bad guy.

I am confused as to how this is related to you being banned and coming back and being an issue
Queeba made this thread because he's upset that I(and others) have called him out for greifing minecraft servers and he's very irritated because he was found out. He can claim I'm a "troll" or whatever because I've accused him of doing it, but it doesn't change the fact it happened/happens.

Queeba made this thread because he's upset that I(and others) have called him out for greifing minecraft servers and he's very irritated because he was found out. He can claim I'm a "troll" or whatever because I've accused him of doing it, but it doesn't change the fact it happened/happens.
A. I've made this drama because you've continued to do what you do and attempt to provoke people.
B. I am upset that you are making those accusations, of course I am. But you still do not have evidence other than 1 incident from over 2 years ago that might have been my fault. Maybe your points would be more valid if I continued to actively grief servers, and there's no actual evidence of that. You're trying to use one very old incident against me, and within those 2 years, a person is perfectly able to decide to stop being an ass and quit griefing. I say that it might have been my fault because I don't remember doing anything like that at all, and I feel like I probably didn't.
C. Just because i did or did not grief minecraft servers does not change the fact that you're still a troll, evidenced by multiple factors, including the ULF clan.

C. Just because i did or did not grief minecraft servers does not change the fact that you're still a troll, evidenced by multiple factors, including the ULF clan.

I don't think blatantly calling out people for being either a furry or autistic is considered trolling.

Queeba made this thread because he's upset that I(and others) have called him out for greifing minecraft servers and he's very irritated because he was found out. He can claim I'm a "troll" or whatever because I've accused him of doing it, but it doesn't change the fact it happened/happens.
okay? him griefing a minecraft server still doesn't even make him a hypocrite so your point proves nothing
back at it again with the personal attacks i see

Also, here's some first hand testomony that queeba and crit greif minecraft servers
A little bit of a problem is that its only queeba that has been accused, not me.

Oh and that griefer suspected to be queeba is probably actually Pecon. He has a history of griefing minecraft servers.

However, i would not have a doubt that queeba is hiding something relating to that subject. Pecon has the same attitude as queeba when confronted about him griefing servers. Pecon lies, ALOT.

even though I haven't seen him act like a big fat meanie yet, it's only a matter of time before he goes back to his old self

also weathernerd you're trying to be hip and failing terribly and you should atleast be a little creative :v

A little bit of a problem is that its only queeba that has been accused, not me.

Oh and that griefer suspected to be queeba is probably actually Pecon. He has a history of griefing minecraft servers.

However, i would not have a doubt that queeba is hiding something relating to that subject. Pecon has the same attitude as queeba when confronted about him griefing servers. Pecon lies, ALOT.
huh what
do you mind posting a link, i've never heard of pecon doing that stuff

also I think the reason grimlock hates furries was from some stuff from when le ebik memes were still popular

I was reading the tails mod replies and there were hundreds upon hundreds of bronies whining "hey Binch make some Pony tails."

huh what
do you mind posting a link, i've never heard of pecon doing that stuff
Yea seriously do tell

even though I haven't seen him act like a big fat meanie yet, it's only a matter of time before he goes back to his old self

also weathernerd you're trying to be hip and failing terribly and you should atleast be a little creative :v
Nix posts like this and the one about nutting on your wall are why people don't like you and say you're cringy.

Queeba, making a clan dedicated to anti furry activism isn't trolling. Khaz said it in the other thread. I'm a very hostile person but that doesn't make me a troll.

He's pretty persistent, I have to give him that.

also I think the reason grimlock hates furries was from some stuff from when le ebik memes were still popular

I was reading the tails mod replies and there were hundreds upon hundreds of bronies whining "hey Binch make some Pony tails."
Most of the problems the blf has had the last 7 years are due to 2 groups of people:

I have a very low tollerence for their stuff, not only furry stuff, but the generally stupid/cringy stuff they post and force on others. Lockebox is a perfect example of this.
looking at the context it seems that kinda thing was allowed though right like it looks like it was an act of PvP not so much griefing

also weathernerd you're trying to be hip and failing terribly and you should atleast be a little creative :v
I'm not trying to? I think you should just stop lmao.