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Author Topic: [breaking] Self Delete bombing in Indonesia, 3 dead, 10 wounded  (Read 8354 times)

oh boy you sure showed me with this political comic
Yep, because nothing can be trusted when presented in an easily-accessible visual format. Any information put into a graph is instantly wrong.

The message here is that you're willing to cause unimaginable suffering to thousands of people to prevent a threat that kills maybe a couple people every year. But, you're also okay with Annoying Orange gutting programs that prevent tens of thousands of deaths, without really helping anyone at all except for the richest Americans.

Not gonna sugar-coat this friendo, if this trade-off sounds good to you, you're being a bit of a dumbass.

You get that I'm talking about islamic terrorism right now, right?
There have been a number (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_China). Despite your implication there are actually millions of chinese muslims

You get that I'm talking about islamic terrorism right now, right?

oh boy you sure showed me with this political comic
holy stuff you're thick. You've responded to every single post changing your subject only slightly to avoid sounding like a loving doofus. Please educate yourself.

without really helping anyone at all except for the richest Americans.

Whenever I read stuff like this I imagine Bernie having a seizure

Whenever I read stuff like this I imagine Bernie having a seizure
I mean, there's actually historical evidence that proves this. It's not just liberal punditry. Read about Reaganomics and why massive tax cuts failed to trickle down to the lower and middle class.

a threat that kills maybe a couple people every year.
"maybe a couple people"

boi have you been living under a rock for the entirety of this and last year

"maybe a couple people"

boi have you been living under a rock for the entirety of this and last year
I'm speaking within the context of the US, but even still the ratio is similar for most everywhere else.

I'm speaking within the context of the US, but even still the ratio is similar for most everywhere else.
yeah us sure but everywhere else this and last year (speaking of europe btw) lmao nah it isn't "a couple people," thats a huge understatement

yeah us sure but everywhere else this and last year (speaking of europe btw) lmao nah it isn't "a couple people," thats a huge understatement
It's mostly isolated incidents, from militants connected to CIA, committing one or two big attacks per year. Otherwise it's similar numbers to the US.


Definitely significantly higher than the US per capita, but they're also geographically accessible to regions with CIA presence. Either way, even if you 'remove kebab' they're still porous to sleeper agents and you'll still see attacks like this.

can we just nuke the brown people already

holy stuff you're thick. You've responded to every single post changing your subject only slightly to avoid sounding like a loving doofus. Please educate yourself.

Im so sorry I'll start reading up on muh holy buhk rn forgive me Allah
There have been a number (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_China). Despite your implication there are actually millions of chinese muslims

How many of these Chinese Muslims are imported from wartorn stuffholes
Yep, because nothing can be trusted when presented in an easily-accessible visual format. Any information put into a graph is instantly wrong.

The message here is that you're willing to cause unimaginable suffering to thousands of people to prevent a threat that kills maybe a couple people every year. But, you're also okay with Annoying Orange gutting programs that prevent tens of thousands of deaths, without really helping anyone at all except for the richest Americans.

Not gonna sugar-coat this friendo, if this trade-off sounds good to you, you're being a bit of a dumbass.

Who's suffering by not being allowed into the US? Refugees? They can forget off to Europe or, I don't know, a neighboring Islamic country that they won't have to throw away their entire belief system to integrate into?
A couple of people a year? Dude, go loving forget yourself. A couple of people a year? And you're calling me a dumbass? You forget Pulse already? What about that five year old girl that got raped by refugees? She doesn't matter? As long as it's under a certain threshold it's not an issue right? How many people have to die a year in order for it to matter? A couple hundred? Maybe a couple thousand? What policies would Annoying Orange enact to combat terrorism that would only benefit the rich? Rich people aren't the ones getting blown up at concerts and picking pieces of their friends out of their hair at the hospital. It's us regular people that have to worry about getting kebab'd.
And who the forget said I was okay with Annoying Orange gutting programs? See, this is the problem with you idiots. You guys think we have to agree with every single thing Annoying Orange does and it makes you look handicapped. I don't agree with half the stuff Annoying Orange does. But when it comes to terrorists, Islam, and refugees, he's right. It needs to end. And I won't sugarcoat for you, if you can't understand that, you're being intentionally obtuse and disingenuous at best, and completely loving handicapped at worst.

Who's suffering by not being allowed into the US? Refugees? They can forget off to Europe or, I don't know, a neighboring Islamic country that they won't have to throw away their entire belief system to integrate into?
A couple of people a year? Dude, go loving forget yourself. A couple of people a year? And you're calling me a dumbass? You forget Pulse already? What about that five year old girl that got raped by refugees? She doesn't matter? As long as it's under a certain threshold it's not an issue right? How many people have to die a year in order for it to matter? A couple hundred? Maybe a couple thousand? What policies would Annoying Orange enact to combat terrorism that would only benefit the rich? Rich people aren't the ones getting blown up at concerts and picking pieces of their friends out of their hair at the hospital. It's us regular people that have to worry about getting kebab'd.
And who the forget said I was okay with Annoying Orange gutting programs? See, this is the problem with you idiots. You guys think we have to agree with every single thing Annoying Orange does and it makes you look handicapped. I don't agree with half the stuff Annoying Orange does. But when it comes to terrorists, Islam, and refugees, he's right. It needs to end. And I won't sugarcoat for you, if you can't understand that, you're being intentionally obtuse and disingenuous at best, and completely loving handicapped at worst.
step back and re-read what I wrote and re-think what you wrote

Even if you stop muslim immigration Deus Ex, how does that do anything to prevent terrorists born in the US? What are you going to do, deport all muslims? Give me a realistic picture of how your vision is achieved.

you know what, you guys are right, we should just take out the source of the problems and go to war with CIA --

sorry, what? "that's what they want"?

you know what, you guys are right, we should just take out the source of the problems and go to war with CIA --

sorry, what? "that's what they want"?
Are you conversing with yourself or what? How does what your saying contribute to the discussion we're having?