Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 132206 times)

"I'm here. They boarded the place up but it looks like there's a back entrance I can take. I'm assuming you can hear me and i'm not wasting my time."

Amanda checks her heads up display and looks at the time

     Daniel looks around with Norum for a proper rooftop from which to survey the area. 

Rog kicks the couch to wake the bum up.


You startle the derelict, but he seems to still be in a haze, and has trouble focusing on you.

Zhang hums a monosyllabic response to acknowledge Elena. She looks at her watch, with very little more to say.

Elena stares at something in the air for a moment.

"How do you want that money?"

Norum looks up with pursed lips, searching to see if any lights are on or if there are any windows perhaps looking in on the same ground floor which Daniel just observed. "If I can get on the adjacent roof and see in, then I can get a better idea of what's inside."

He also scans the nearby rooflines to see if he would have to climb up or if he could make it in a single bound. Additionally, he checks out the buildings nearby to see if they are occupied.

The roofs of the directly adjacent buildings are too high jump up to in one bound. A look at the nearby buildings shows no obvious signs of activity.

"I'll be going around to see if I can see inside.", Ryde says to the two as he goes around the side opposite to Daniel

You find a side entrance to the building. The door is damaged, as it appears to have been forced open, and forced shut again.

"I'm here. They boarded the place up but it looks like there's a back entrance I can take. I'm assuming you can hear me and i'm not wasting my time."

Amanda checks her heads up display and looks at the time

Elena's response is quick.

"Do I ever waste your time?"

The time is eleven o'clock.

    Daniel looks around with Norum for a proper rooftop from which to survey the area.  

You see no immediately obvious roof accesses.

Ryde goes around, silently motioning to Norum that the door is open on this side.

Elena stares at something in the air for a moment.

"How do you want that money?"


     Daniel looks to Ryde, then gestures toward him before rounding the corner to find the door he spoke of.

Norum follows Daniel to where Ryde is.

"Hey uh, Daniel. Can you do another scan?"


You startle the derelict, but he seems to still be in a haze, and has trouble focusing on you.
Rog grabs the bum by the collar (or the back of the neck, whichever works) and starts dragging him to the front door to throw him out.

"Do I ever waste your time?"

The time is eleven o'clock.
"Several times."

Amanda works her way to the back entrance to look for an access point.

"Hey uh, Daniel. Can you do another scan?"
     Daniel nods, then proceeds to find an optimal place for a scan and promptly does so.  His focus, of course, is the warehouse.


"Then we'll have to hit an ATM. There might be one in here," she replies, standing.

Rog grabs the bum by the collar (or the back of the neck, whichever works) and starts dragging him to the front door to throw him out.


The vagabond is too intoxicated to resist being grappled. As you remove him from the couch, one of his bottles rolls from his chest and hits the floor. He manages to grab ahold of his trash bag of belongings. You stand at the door, the vagrant is at your whim.

Norum follows Daniel to where Ryde is.

"Hey uh, Daniel. Can you do another scan?"

    Daniel nods, then proceeds to find an optimal place for a scan and promptly does so.  His focus, of course, is the warehouse.

The small objects and firearm are out of view, and nothing else of interest at this time.

"Several times."

Amanda works her way to the back entrance to look for an access point.

The back door is locked shut.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2017, 10:13:20 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Ryde tries to make a quick glance into the building.

Ryde tries to make a quick glance into the building.

There are no windows on this side of the building. Nor are there accessible windows on the structure. The only windows are at second to third story height on the front of the building, over the garage door and loading dock.

The door is jammed due to the damage.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2017, 10:46:12 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

"Then we'll have to hit an ATM. There might be one in here," she replies, standing.

"Sounds good," Zhang says, nodding. "Whenever you're ready."


The vagabond is too intoxicated to resist being grappled. As you remove him from the couch, one of his bottles rolls from his chest and hits the floor. He manages to grab ahold of his trash bag of belongings. You stand at the door, the vagrant is at your whim.
Rog hesitates for a moment, feeling a pang of sympathy for the bum. He decides to simply push him out the door, rather than angrily throw him as he was intending to moments prior.
"Find yourself another place to squat."