Author Topic: PSA: Several servers are being DDoS attacked by a botnet.  (Read 28127 times)

Just went on earlier today, No servers crashing from what i can see.
Maybe the whole thing has blown over?
hope so.

but i wonder
why the attack even happened

but i wonder
why the attack even happened
Best theory so far is that is was a revenge attack

Just went on earlier today, No servers crashing from what i can see.
Maybe the whole thing has blown over?
it's gonna get worse, calling it now

it's gonna get worse, calling it now
It has gotten a little worse because the handicap decided to waste more of their money wasting a game, I think it's funny that their wasting so much money just to attack this game but get nothing else out of it other than shutting down servers that will eventually come back up - and even some servers with resistance to the attacks.

DDoSing seems to be over for now. Hosted a large server (conan's prison break) with no ill effects.

Was on the honor mining server for quite a while, nothing shady. I'm betting the attacker realized the costs of keeping up with the DDoS attacks.

DDoSing seems to be over for now. Hosted a large server (conan's prison break) with no ill effects.

Thank god, I was putting off working on secret projects in fear of being DDoSed

i have spent my life on the most autistic parts of the internet and i have never, ever seen a community with more petty and pathetic human beings as this. This dude spent a stuffload of money to temporarily inconvenience a couple thousand lego game players. Honestly badspot has tapped into the greatest market in human history, he just needs to work on monotization some more and he could be a millionaire. Im thinking he makes a aervice where you can pay badspot to temporarily ban your enemies from the game.

a aervice where
yes aervice is a good aervice to ban my foes for no reason!!!!

btw it started again sorry for the late update!!!!!!!!!

You guys are giving it the reaction it wants, congrats

btw it started again sorry for the late update!!!!!!!!!

You guys are giving it the reaction it wants, congrats
So ignore it? That's the literal last thing you do to the DDOS attack.