Author Topic: PSA: Several servers are being DDoS attacked by a botnet.  (Read 28129 times)

One person makes a frustrated post and you assume the entirety of the community is up at arms screaming about it?

+ many people pissed off on glass/in-game
It's not a wild assumption. People get pissed and frustrated from DDoS attacks and lo and behold there are people who are frustrated other than the guy I quoted.


Sifting through the first few pages of your posts I've counted quite a few "forgettards" "handicapped" and other petty ass sleights that are just loving ridiculous.

I don't know what your deal is but you need to calm it down. At first I kind of felt bad because i noticed everyone would kind of pick on you but holy stuff the more I see your posts the less I feel bad. You're extremely hostile and just generally unpleasant to have any kind of conversation/argument with. Clean up your act. I'm not posting this because I'm out to get you, but you just need to fix yourself and I think most people can agree with me.

One person makes a frustrated post

I wrote that impulsively during a childish fit of rage. If I could use a time machine only once, I would go back in time and stop myself from posting that mistake.

I think you should try to realize that it might only take one post like mine to completely reignite the situation.

you assume the entirety of the community is up at arms screaming about it?

Have you even played Blockland at all recently? I've seen people talking about the attacks on almost every server I've played on.

It's not a wild assumption. People get pissed and frustrated from DDoS attacks and lo and behold there are people who are frustrated other than the guy I quoted.


Sifting through the first few pages of your posts I've counted quite a few "forgettards" "handicapped" and other petty ass sleights that are just loving ridiculous.

I don't know what your deal is but you need to calm it down. At first I kind of felt bad because i noticed everyone would kind of pick on you but holy stuff the more I see your posts the less I feel bad. You're extremely hostile and just generally unpleasant to have any kind of conversation/argument with. Clean up your act. I'm not posting this because I'm out to get you, but you just need to fix yourself and I think most people can agree with me.

Pretty wild assumption. Of course, there are people mad about it, but the whole community being up in arms crying about it is unlikely. Also, no. I don't really see anyone picking on me? Either way I can stand up for myself. Sorry mom, but I'll continue posting how I post.

I wrote that impulsively during a childish fit of rage. If I could use a time machine only once, I would go back in time and stop myself from posting that mistake.

I think you should try to realize that it might only take one post like mine to completely reignite the situation.

Have you even played Blockland at all recently? I've seen people talking about the attacks on almost every server I've played on.
I don't think whether people post online reactions to the situation is really relevant here, I think the fact that it's a disturbance regardless is what drives the perpetrator to do it. They don't need to see people crying about it to know that they are being a disturbance. I have played yes, and I'm not seeing 'every server' bitch about what's happening.

stop loving posting already

but the whole community being up in arms crying about it is unlikely.
No one said the whole community was up in arms crying about it??? You keep saying this like it was said anywhere and it's honestly just stupid.

Im not sure what's so hard to understand here... I said "yell at it till it stops?" It was moreso a rhetorical question in response to you saying that ignoring it should be the last thing to do. Nobody is ignoring it. Nobody can ignore it. Nobody said to ignore it. It was me trying to tell you that everything that we can do to combat the DDoS has been done and yelling at it till it stops is not going to work.

Regardless of what was said, I've seen many users frustrated about the DDoS attacks. I'm not saying the whole community is bitching because that's quite obviously not the case. People are handling it in a calm manner as well as in a more frustrated manner. It's not a wild assumption, it's fact. If you can't see that then that's on you.

Either way I can stand up for myself. Sorry mom, but I'll continue posting how I post.
Constantly being an ass to people isn't really standing up for yourself. You can use the "mom" thing all you want but I'm just telling you about your behavior instead of the normal forum starfish personally attacking you and bringing up things from the past. If you wanna continue your bullstuff until you're the next forum reject everyone laughs at then that's on you.

mr bones you were really unnecessarily aggressive with your first few posts, if you didn't add in any incendiary personal insults/attacks/implied insults then you wouldnt be where u are rn.

whoever was doing it is back at it again
my server (Goldtits' BlockParty) got taken down n my internet was off for a good 15 or 20 minutes

I've had it happen to me.

I've had it happen to me.
Theres a time when you should bump and when you should avoid it

Theres a time when you should bump and when you should avoid it

This wasn't a bump, the topic is still on the front loving page.

This wasn't a bump, the topic is still on the front loving page.
since drama is really quiet anything on the lower half of the page is considered resolved. by bumping it to the top half it makes people think this is still going when it isnt

but i guess every poster has the responsibility to not "bump" topics that arent relevant anymore, including me. when i was hosting prison break last night and we hit 30 players, we didnt get ddos'd so i think its over.