Author Topic: [NEWS]Antifa starting a civil war tomorrow.  (Read 15109 times)

fug i missed the civil war i wanted to fight some people

Its a civilized war. Both sides sit down for a coffee and some biscuits and discuss politics in a civil manner

oh that's even better. is the coffee free?

oh that's even better. is the coffee free?

$20 for liberals

$0 for conservaitves. pwned.

$20 for liberals

$0 for conservaitves. pwned.
jokes on you my parents are far right conservatives

oh that's even better. is the coffee free?
no but the covfefe is

Tony nobody else considers dumpsters to be a national treasure
theyre p important when you live in one

Antifa just burned down a national treasure.

MSM silent.
This is insane!! Antifa must be stopped!

LIKE and SHARE if you believe in liberty! 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷

Antifa just burned down a national treasure.

MSM silent.

Antifa doesn't exist

Antifa doesn't exist

Antifa confirmed Flat Earther conspiracy; Russian bots colluded with Terry Davis to spread CIA monday propaganda

Antifa confirmed Flat Earther conspiracy; Russian bots colluded with Terry Davis to spread CIA monday propaganda

Sorry, antifa does exist, they just wear very dark clothing and Ididn't see them

Sorry, antifa does exist, they just wear very dark clothing and Ididn't see them

You can only see them while you're driving that's why we have to allow laws to run over protesters
Charlottesville guy had it right